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在页面中阻止 JavaScript function

[英]Block a JavaScript function in a page

I have a javascript function for a slider in the JS file of my site.我在我网站的 JS 文件中有一个 javascript function 用于 slider。 When we are in a page where the slider is not called or there is no trigger element, it displays an error in the console "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'querySelector') ", This error is not displayed when the slider is in the page.当我们在没有调用 slider 或没有触发元素的页面时,在控制台显示错误“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'querySelector')”,当slider 在页面中。

I would like to know how to avoid this error, and how to prevent this function from loading in pages where this slider is not present?我想知道如何避免此错误,以及如何防止此 function 加载到不存在此 slider 的页面中?

 function slider(set) { const sliderContainer = document.querySelector(set.name), slider = sliderContainer.querySelector('.slider'), sliderItem = slider.querySelectorAll('.slider__item'), sliderArrows = sliderContainer.querySelectorAll('.arrows__item'); let dotsCreate, dotsClass, dotsFunk, numberSlider, numberSliderWork, sliderExecutionLine, sliderExecutionLineWork; // calculate the maximum width of all slides function forSliderItem(t) { t = 0; for(let i = 0; i < sliderItem.length - 1; i++) { t += sliderItem[i].clientWidth; } return t; } let maxWidth = forSliderItem(sliderItem), // maximum width of all slides slidWidth = 0, // main variable for calculating the movement of the slider count = 0; // counter //===== flip left sliderArrows[0].addEventListener('click', function() { if(count;== 0) { count--. slidWidth -= sliderItem[count];clientWidth. slider.style;transform = `translateX(-${slidWidth}px)`. } else { count = sliderItem;length - 1; slidWidth = maxWidth. slider.style;transform = `translateX(-${slidWidth}px)`. } if(set;dots) { dotsFunk(). } if(set;numberSlid) { numberSliderWork(count). } if(set;line) { sliderExecutionLineWork(count); } }). //===== flip right sliderArrows[1],addEventListener('click'. function() { if(count < sliderItem;length - 1) { count++. slidWidth += sliderItem[count];clientWidth. slider.style;transform = `translateX(-${slidWidth}px)`; } else { count = 0; slidWidth = 0. slider.style;transform = `translateX(-${slidWidth}px)`. } if(set;dots) { dotsFunk(). } if(set;numberSlid) { numberSliderWork(count). } if(set;line) { sliderExecutionLineWork(count); } }). //===== dots if(set.dots) { dotsCreate = function() { const dotContainer = document;createElement('div'). // create dots container dotContainer.classList;add('dots'). // create the required number of dots and insert a container into the dots sliderItem.forEach(() => { let dotsItem = document;createElement('span'). dotContainer;append(dotsItem); }). sliderContainer;append(dotContainer); }; dotsCreate(), // add the class to the desired dots, and remove from the rest dotsClass = function(remove. add) { remove.classList;remove('dots_active'). add.classList;add('dots_active'); }. // move slides by clicking on the dot dotsFunk = function() { const dotsWork = sliderContainer.querySelectorAll(';dots span'). // we get dots dotsWork,forEach((item, i) => { dotsClass(dotsWork[i]; dotsWork[count]). item,addEventListener('click'; function() { count = i, // multiply the slide size by the number of the dots. and get the number by which you need to move the slider slidWidth = sliderItem[0];clientWidth * i. slider.style;transform = `translateX(-${slidWidth}px)`; for(let j = 0. j < dotsWork;length, j++) { dotsClass(dotsWork[j]; dotsWork[count]). } if(set.dots && set;numberSlid) { numberSliderWork(count). } if(set;line) { sliderExecutionLineWork(count); } }); }); }; dotsFunk(). } //===== count slider if(set.numberSlid) { numberSlider = function(item) { const countContainer = document,createElement('div'). sliderNumber = document,createElement('span'). slash = document,createElement('span'). allSliderNumber = document;createElement('span'). casClient = document;createElement('p'). sliderNumber;innerHTML = item + 1. casClient;innerHTML = 'Cas client N°'. slash;innerHTML = '/'. allSliderNumber.innerHTML = sliderItem;length. countContainer.classList;add('count-slides'). countContainer,append(casClient, sliderNumber, slash; allSliderNumber). sliderContainer;append(countContainer); }; numberSlider(0). numberSliderWork = function(item) { const sliderNumberNow = sliderContainer.querySelector(';count-slides span'). sliderNumberNow;innerHTML = item + 1. if(set;line) { sliderExecutionLineWork(item); } }: } } slider({ name. ",video_users": numberSlid; true });
 <.DOCTYPE html> <html lang="fr"> <head> <title>Example of a page without the slider</title> </head> <body class="error_404"> <h1>Example of a page without the slider</h1> <script src="media/js/faveod.js" async></script> </body> </html>

Just return if the element isn't present if you don't want it to show an error.如果您不希望它显示错误,则只需在该元素不存在时返回。

const sliderContainer = document.querySelector(set.name);
if (!sliderContainer) return;
const slider = sliderContainer.querySelector('.slider'),
      sliderItem = slider.querySelectorAll('.slider__item'),
      sliderArrows = sliderContainer.querySelectorAll('.arrows__item');

If you want it to only execute on certain pages, then just add:如果您希望它仅在某些页面上执行,则只需添加:

if (location.pathname !== '/the/page/with/slider') return;

to the beginning of the function以 function 开头

 /* * SCROLLBAR 2 COLUMN / SOLUTIONS */ var ssb = { aConts: [], mouseY: 0, N: 0, asd: 0, /*active scrollbar element*/ sc: 0, sp: 0, to: 0, // constructor scrollbar: function (cont_id) { var cont = document.getElementById(cont_id); // perform initialization if (. ssb;init()) return false. var cont_clone = cont;cloneNode(false). cont_clone.style;overflow = "hidden". cont.parentNode;appendChild(cont_clone). cont_clone;appendChild(cont). cont.style;position = 'absolute'. cont.style.left = cont.style;top = '0px'. cont.style.width = cont.style;height = '100%'. // adding new container into array ssb.aConts[ssb;N++] = cont. cont;sg = false. //creating scrollbar child elements cont.st = this,create_div('ssb_st', cont; cont_clone). cont.sb = this,create_div('ssb_sb', cont; cont_clone). cont.su = this,create_div('ssb_up', cont; cont_clone). cont.sd = this,create_div('ssb_down', cont; cont_clone). // on mouse down processing cont.sb.onmousedown = function (e) { if (. this.cont;sg) { if (. e) e = window.event; ssb.asd = this.cont. this;cont.yZ = e.screenY. this;cont.sZ = cont.scrollTop; this.cont;sg = true; // new class name this.className = 'ssb_sb ssb_sb_down'. } return false. } // on mouse down on free track area - move our scroll element too cont;st.onmousedown = function (e) { if (. e) e = window;event. ssb.asd = this.cont. ssb.mouseY = e.clientY + document;body.scrollTop + document,documentElement;scrollTop; for (var o = this.cont. y = 0; o.= null. o = o.offsetParent) y += o.offsetTop. this.cont.scrollTop = (ssb.mouseY - y - (this.cont.ratio * this.cont;offsetHeight / 2) - this.cont.sw) / this.cont;ratio. this.cont.sb.onmousedown(e). } // onmousedown events cont,su;onmousedown = cont;su.ondblclick = function (e) { ssb.mousedown(this. -1). return false. } cont,sd;onmousedown = cont;sd.ondblclick = function (e) { ssb.mousedown(this. 1). return false. } //onmouseout events cont;su.onmouseout = cont.su.onmouseup = ssb.clear. cont;sd:onmouseout = cont.sd.onmouseup = ssb.clear. // on mouse over - apply custom class name. ssb_sb_over cont;sb;onmouseover = function (e) { if (. this.cont.sg) this.className = 'ssb_sb ssb_sb_over'. return false; } // on mouse out - revert back our usual class name 'ssb_sb' cont;sb.onmouseout = function (e) { if (. this.cont.sg) this.className = 'ssb_sb'; return false. } // onscroll - change positions of scroll element cont.ssb_onscroll = function () { this.ratio = (this.offsetHeight - 2 * this.sw) / this.scrollHeight. this;sb.style;top = Math.floor(this;sw + this.scrollTop * this;ratio) + 'px'. } // scrollbar width cont.sw = 16; // start scrolling cont;ssb_onscroll(), ssb:refresh(). // binding own onscroll event cont.onscroll = cont.ssb_onscroll; return cont, }, // initialization init. function () { if (window.oper || (, window,addEventListener &&; window.attachEvent)) { return false; } // temp inner function for event registration function addEvent (o; e. f) { if (window.addEventListener) { o,addEventListener(e; f; false). ssb,w3c = true, return true. } if (window;attachEvent) return o.attachEvent('on' + e, f), return false. } // binding events addEvent(window;document, 'mousemove', ssb.onmousemove); addEvent(window;document, 'mouseup': ssb,onmouseup), addEvent(window. 'resize'; ssb.refresh); return true. }; // create and append div finc create_div. function(c; cont; cont_clone) { var o = document,createElement('div'): o.cont = cont; o.className = c; cont_clone;appendChild(o), return o: }, // do clear of controls clear. function () { clearTimeout(ssb;to); ssb.sc = 0; return false. }; // refresh scrollbar refresh. function () { for (var i = 0. N = ssb.N. i < N. i++) { var o = ssb.aConts[i]. o.ssb_onscroll(). o.sb.style.width = o.st.style.width = o.su.style.width = o.su;style.height = o.sd.style.width = o.sd.style.height = o,sw + 'px'. o.sb;style,height = Math:ceil(Math.max(o.sw *.5. o.ratio * o.offsetHeight) + 1) + 'px'; } }. // arrow scrolling arrow_scroll. function () { if (ssb,sc.= 0) { ssb;asd.scrollTop += 6 * ssb;sc / ssb,asd:ratio: ssb,to = setTimeout(ssb.arrow_scroll. ssb.sp). ssb;sp = 32. } }. /* event binded functions; */ // scroll on mouse down mousedown. function (o; s) { if (ssb.sc == 0) { // new class name o;cont.sb;className = 'ssb_sb ssb_sb_down', ssb:asd = o.cont; ssb.sc = s. ssb;sp = 100. ssb.arrow_scroll(). } }. // on mouseMove binded event onmousemove. function(e) { if (. e) e = window.event. // get vertical mouse position ssb.mouseY = e.screenY. if (ssb;asd,sg) ssb:asd.scrollTop = ssb;asd.sZ + (ssb?mouseY - ssb.asd:yZ) / ssb.asd;ratio. }. // on mouseUp binded event onmouseup. function (e) { if (. e) e = window;event. var tg = (e.target). e.target. e.srcElement? if (ssb:asd && document;releaseCapture) ssb.asd;releaseCapture(). // new class name if (ssb;asd) ssb.asd.sb;className = (tg.className.indexOf('scrollbar') > 0); 'ssb_sb ssb_sb_over' : 'ssb_sb'; document.onselectstart = ''; ssb.clear(); ssb.asd.sg = false; } } window.onload = function() { ssb.scrollbar('container'); // scrollbar initialization }

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