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python 使用递归查找列表的深度

[英]python finding depth of a list using recursion

I need to find the depth of a list using recursion but and I can't use global variables or have more than one parameter.我需要使用递归找到列表的深度,但我不能使用全局变量或有多个参数。 this is the code that I have but I'm getting the error where I can't call depth because I cant use a global variable and when I call it inside the function when the recursion happens it just resets the variable这是我拥有的代码,但出现了无法调用深度的错误,因为我无法使用全局变量,并且当我在 function 中调用它时,递归发生时它只是重置了变量

def how_deep(list_of_lists):
    for i in list_of_lists:
        if type(i) == list:
            depth += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(how_deep([[[], [], [], [[[]]]], []],))
    print(how_deep([[], []]))
    print(how_deep([[[]], [], [[]], [[[]]]]))
    print(how_deep([[[[], [[]], [[[]]], [[[[]]]]]]]))
    print(how_deep([[[], []], [], [[], []]]))

As you loop through each item you want to record its maximum depth and return the maximum depth of an individual child in the list.当您遍历每个项目时,您要记录其最大深度并返回列表中单个子项的最大深度。 You could do something like this:你可以这样做:

def how_deep(list_of_lists):
    if not isinstance(list_of_lists, list):
        return 0
    return max(map(how_deep, list_of_lists), default=0) + 1

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