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如果我将字节数组转换为 __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) 结构会发生什么?

[英]What will happen if I cast a byte array to an __attribute__((packed, aligned(2))) struct?

I have some c++ code that defines a struct:我有一些定义结构的 c++ 代码:

struct IcmpHdr
    uint8_t m_type;
    uint8_t m_code;
    uint16_t m_chksum;
    uint16_t m_id;
    uint16_t m_seq;
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(2)))

I understand that this struct will always be aligned on an address divisible by 2 when allocated because a padding byte ahead of the struct will be added if necessary.我知道这个结构在分配时将始终在可被 2 整除的地址上对齐,因为必要时会在结构前面添加一个填充字节。

This struct gets cast to a byte array before going over the wire to be unpacked on the the receiving end.在通过线路在接收端解包之前,此结构被强制转换为字节数组。 Now what happens on the receiving end if I store the bytes in an array char byte_array[8];现在,如果我将字节存储在数组char byte_array[8];中,接收端会发生什么?

And then ultimately cast this as a pointer to my type?然后最终将其转换为指向我的类型的指针?

IcmpHdr* header = (IcmpHdr*)byte_array;

Will the struct have a 50/50 chance of being misaligned?结构是否有 50/50 的机会错位? Could this cause undefined behavior when dereferencing the members?取消引用成员时这会导致未定义的行为吗? Other issues?其他问题?

I know I could just align the array on a 2 byte boundary to avoid even having to think about this.我知道我可以将数组对齐在 2 字节边界上,以避免甚至不必考虑这一点。 Curiosity is my main reason for asking.好奇是我问的主要原因。

  1. Avoid pointer punning as it almost always breaks strict aliasing rules.避免指针双关语,因为它几乎总是违反严格的别名规则。
  2. Alignment of your structure does not matter as your byte array does not have to be 2 bytes aligned.您的结构的 Alignment 无关紧要,因为您的字节数组不必对齐 2 个字节。

Use memcpy使用memcpy

IcmpHdr header;
memcpy(&header, byte_array, sizeof(header));

If you use modern optimizing compiler it is very unlikely memcpy to be called.如果您使用现代优化编译器,则不太可能调用memcpy

https://godbolt.org/z/6P5M333dv https://godbolt.org/z/6P5M333dv

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