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function 中的元组比较

[英]Tuple comparison in function

I am wondering why my comparison returns False and not True although 'a' == 'a' .我想知道为什么我的比较返回False而不是True尽管'a' == 'a'

def test(*values):
    return values[0]=='a'

tuple = ('a',)

Output: False Output: False

Using the *args syntax in the function declaration means that all parameters will be collected into a new tuple.在 function 声明中使用 *args 语法意味着所有参数都将被收集到一个新的元组中。 When you pass your tuple now to this function, it will create a tuple with only one element since you passed only one argument.当你现在将你的元组传递给这个 function 时,它将创建一个只有一个元素的元组,因为你只传递了一个参数。 The value of values is (('a',),) a tuple with tuple in it. values 的values(('a',),)一个包含元组的元组。 What you probably meant to do was to spread the tuple into the function call which involves the same asterisk syntax: test(*tuple) which results in values == ('a',) as you expected.您可能打算做的是将元组传播到 function 调用中,该调用涉及相同的星号语法: test(*tuple)会产生values == ('a',)正如您所期望的那样。

It's because you are using *values rather than values in your function definition这是因为您在 function 定义中使用*values而不是 values

When you use the special syntax *args in a function, args will already come back as a tuple, where each arg is an element of the tuple.当您在 function 中使用特殊语法*args时, args将作为元组返回,其中每个 arg 都是元组的一个元素。

So for example所以例如

> def print_args(*args):
> print_args('a', 'b', 'c')

# Outputs:
('a', 'b', 'c')

In your case since you are passing in a tuple already, w/in the functions values is like "Ok, I'll happily take a tuple as my first argument", and values becomes a tuple of tuples (well a tuple of a single tuple).在您的情况下,因为您已经传入了一个元组,所以函数中的values就像“好的,我很乐意将一个元组作为我的第一个参数”,并且values变成一个元组的元组(以及一个单一的元组元组)。 Thus you are comparing ('a',) to 'a' and your check fails因此,您将 ('a',) 与 'a' 进行比较并且您的检查失败

TL;DR: either pass in just 'a' or change *values to values TL;DR:要么只传入'a' ,要么将*values更改为values

def test(values):
    return values[0] == 'a'

tuple = ('a',)

# Outputs:

Modify your function like this:像这样修改您的 function :

def f(*v):
    return v[0] == 'a'

then call f(('a',)), you'll get (('a',),) False function gets a tuple ('a',) not 'a'然后调用 f(('a',)),你会得到 (('a',),) False function 得到一个元组 ('a',) 而不是 'a'


def func(*args, **kwargs): ... var-keyword: specifies that arbitrarily many keyword arguments can be provided (in addition to any keyword arguments already accepted by other parameters). def func(*args, **kwargs): ... var-keyword: 指定可以提供任意多个关键字 arguments(除了已经被其他参数接受的任何关键字 arguments 之外)。 Such a parameter can be defined by prepending the parameter name with **, for example kwargs in the example above.可以通过在参数名称前加上 ** 来定义这样的参数,例如上面示例中的 kwargs。

https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-parameter https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-parameter

your not passing a pointer to the type using *args.您没有使用 *args 传递指向类型的指针。 the parser thinks your passing keyword arguments解析器认为您传递的关键字 arguments

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