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csl gray label 在 Google Pagespeed Insight 中的影响

[英]Impact of csl gray label in Google Pagespeed Insight

Does the gray csl mark affect the overall csl rating based on 28 days among users, or are the gray marks only advisory?灰色 csl 标记是否会影响用户基于 28 天的整体 csl 评级,还是灰色标记仅是建议性的?

[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/LNWO6.png - csl rate for 28 days [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/XcYTm.png - gray mark csl [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/LNWO6.png - 28 天的 csl 费率 [2]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/XcYTm.png - 灰色标记 csl

Grey marks are for things that do not affect the score but are useful for diagnostics / to see the root cause of things that do affect your score.灰色标记用于不影响分数但对诊断有用的事物/查看影响分数的事物的根本原因。

However in the first screenshot you do indeed have a CLS issue for about 30% of users that you need to address.但是,在第一个屏幕截图中,您确实需要解决大约 30% 的用户的 CLS 问题。

Now without knowing what animations your site has (and whether they are even causing the Layout Shifts:) the best I can do is offer a couple of links to resources that explain how to fix the composited animations issue:现在,在不知道您的网站有哪些动画(以及它们是否甚至导致布局转换:)的情况下,我能做的最好的事情就是提供几个资源链接来解释如何解决合成动画问题:

Stick to Compositor-Only Properties and Manage Layer Count - web.dev 坚持仅合成器属性并管理层数 - web.dev

High Performance Animations - HTML5 rocks 高性能动画 - HTML5 岩石

Hopefully they will help you fix that issue.希望他们能帮助您解决该问题。

As for finding causes of CLS you should run a performance trace in developer tools, there is a section for Layout Shifts (normally near the top) that will help you find them.至于查找 CLS 的原因,您应该在开发人员工具中运行性能跟踪,有一个 Layout Shifts 部分(通常靠近顶部)可以帮助您找到它们。

You can find info on this technique and a couple of others in this question您可以在此问题中找到有关此技术和其他一些技术的信息

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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