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如何使用 API 在 Teams 日历中安排重复的 Teams 频道会议

[英]how to schedule recurring Teams channel meetings in Teams Calendar by Using API

I am trying to create a scheduled meeting in the teams channel by using API, I haven't found any API for that, Please provide me that API我正在尝试使用 API 在团队频道中创建预定会议,我还没有找到任何 API,请提供给我 API

Please go through event resource type to Create an event in the user's default calendar or specified calendar.请通过事件资源类型go 在用户的默认日历或指定日历中创建事件。 You can use recurrence property to set the recurrence pattern for the event.您可以使用重复属性来设置事件的重复模式。


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