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从 Android11 开始,我是否需要遵守 Android 的 SAF 才能在公共下载位置创建文件?

[英]Starting from Android11, do I need to comply to Android's SAF just to even create a file at public Download location?

I am on Android 11. I just want to be able to create a file in /storage/emulated/0/Download directory on my phone.我在 Android 11 上。我只想能够在手机上的/storage/emulated/0/Download目录中创建一个文件。 So, this is the public Download folder that I need to create a file on.因此,这是我需要在其上创建文件的公共下载文件夹。

I don't need access to read/modify/delete other files in /storage/emulated/0/Download .我不需要访问/storage/emulated/0/Download中的读取/修改/删除其他文件。 i just want my app to be able to create and replace a file of its own at /storage/emulated/0/Download .我只是希望我的应用程序能够在/storage/emulated/0/Download创建和替换它自己的文件。


  • Do I need to go by the Storage Access Framework for this?为此,我需要存储访问框架go 吗?
  • Do I need any special permission for this?我需要为此获得任何特殊许可吗?
  • Or is it possible get access to /storage/emulated/0/Documents without going through the hassle of Android SAF?或者是否可以访问/storage/emulated/0/Documents而无需经历 Android SAF 的麻烦?

My app is able to create a file at /storage/emulated/0/Download using Android 10 but it fails to do that since Android 11.我的应用程序能够使用 Android 10 在/storage/emulated/0/Download创建一个文件,但自 Android 11 以来它未能做到这一点。

My use case is very simple.我的用例非常简单。 I just want to create a file at /storage/emulated/0/Download and keep appending more data to the file by replacing it with a new one from time to time.我只想在/storage/emulated/0/Download处创建一个文件,并通过不时将其替换为新文件来继续将更多数据附加到文件中。

Do I need to go by the Storage Access Framework for this?为此,我需要存储访问框架 go 吗?


Do I need any special permission for this?我需要为此获得任何特殊许可吗?

No, though you will need WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE for older devices.不,尽管您需要WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE用于旧设备。

Or is it possible get access to /storage/emulated/0/Documents without going through the hassle of Android SAF?或者是否可以访问 /storage/emulated/0/Documents 而无需经历 Android SAF 的麻烦?

Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory() is being undeprecated , so it is safe to use that to access Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS . Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory() 不推荐使用,因此使用它来访问Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS是安全的。 That should give you the same access that you have with MediaStore :这应该为您提供与MediaStore相同的访问权限

  • You can create files there您可以在那里创建文件

  • You can read and write your own files 1 there您可以在那里读写自己的文件1

  • You have no access to other apps' files there您无权访问那里的其他应用程序的文件

1 For the purposes of this bullet, "your own" refers to your current app installation — if the user uninstalls and reinstalls your app, files from the old installation of your app are no longer considered to be "your own". 1就本项目符号而言,“您自己的”是指您当前的应用程序安装 - 如果用户卸载并重新安装您的应用程序,则您应用程序的旧安装文件不再被视为“您自己的”。

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