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[英]VSCode remote development of Java apps without Docker Desktop

I'm currently developing Java application products that run on k8s.我目前正在开发运行在k8s上的Java应用产品。 Because some of my containers use Kubernetes' in-cluster Java client, I consider using VSCode Remote Containers .因为我的一些容器使用 Kubernetes 的集群内 Java 客户端,所以我考虑使用VSCode 远程容器

However, that feature requires Docker Desktop to be installed, and as Docker Desktop will require a paid subscription for larger businesses, I can no longer use it for my production development.但是,该功能需要安装 Docker Desktop,并且由于 Docker Desktop 需要为大型企业付费订阅,我不能再将它用于我的生产开发。

Instead of using that, I have tried VSCode Kubernetes Extension but it just attaches to a running application and is not useful to me.我没有使用它,而是尝试了 VSCode Kubernetes 扩展,但它只是附加到正在运行的应用程序,对我没有用。

Does anyone know the better way to develop Java applications inside a container without Docker Desktop?有谁知道在没有 Docker 桌面的容器内开发 Java 应用程序的更好方法?

I also work at a big firm and us was told that version 3.6 or lower isn't affected by the new Docker Desktop subscription model.我也在一家大公司工作,我们被告知 3.6 或更低版本不受新的 Docker 桌面订阅 model 的影响。 Which is also confirmed here Docker FAQ这也在这里得到确认Docker

Do the new terms apply to my existing installation of Docker Desktop prior to Docker Desktop 4.0?新条款是否适用于我在 Docker Desktop 4.0 之前安装的 Docker Desktop 的现有安装? No, the new terms do not apply to Docker Desktop that you downloaded prior to August 31, 2021 from Docker.不,新条款不适用于您在 2021 年 8 月 31 日之前从 Docker 下载的 Docker Desktop。

So any version before this date is excluded from the subscription (but you don't have any updates sadly).因此,此日期之前的任何版本都被排除在订阅之外(但遗憾的是您没有任何更新)。 You can download version 3.6 (which is from 11-08-2021) here .您可以在此处下载 3.6 版(从 11-08-2021 开始)。

So I would try to downgrade, see if that works and ask your company software manager if it complies within your business just to be save.因此,我会尝试降级,看看是否可行,并询问您的公司软件经理它是否符合您的业务,只是为了保存。

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