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[英]partial class template argument deduction in C++

I have a templated class but only part of the template arguments can be deduced from the constructor.我有一个模板 class 但只能从构造函数中推断出模板 arguments 的一部分。

Is there a way to provide the rest of the template arguments inside angle brackets when calling the constructor?有没有办法在调用构造函数时在尖括号内提供模板 arguments 的 rest ?

Assume we're using C++17.假设我们使用的是 C++17。

template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct S
    T2 t2;

    S(const T2& _t2) : t2{_t2} {}

    void operator()(const T1& t1)
        std::cout << t1 << ", " << t2 << '\n';

int main()
    S<int, double> s {3.14};

    std::function<void(int)> func = s;

    // What I want:
    //S<int> s2 {3.14};     <- T1 is provided in the angle brackets, T2 is deduced
    //std::function<void(int)> func2 = s;

As far as I know we need to either provide all the template arguments in angle brackets or none of them and use CTAD.据我所知,我们需要在尖括号中提供所有模板 arguments,或者不提供任何模板并使用 CTAD。 The problem is that I don't want to write all the template arguments (in my actual use case there's like 5-6 of them and they are quite verbose) but I also don't want to pass all the arguments in the constructor because some of them are not used to construct the object.问题是我不想编写所有模板 arguments (在我的实际用例中,它们中有 5-6 个,它们非常冗长)但我也不想在构造函数中传递所有 arguments 因为其中一些不用于构建 object。 I just need their types for the operator() method.对于 operator() 方法,我只需要它们的类型。

I cannot make the operator() method templated because I want to bind it to a std::function object and I cannot deduce the template parameter types during the bind.我无法将 operator() 方法模板化,因为我想将它绑定到 std::function object 并且我无法在绑定期间推断模板参数类型。 So that's why I need all the types in the wrapping class.所以这就是为什么我需要包装 class 中的所有类型。

This partial template deduction exists for functions.这种部分模板推导存在于函数中。

For example:例如:

template<typename T1, typename T2>
void foo(const T2& t2)
    T1 t1{};
    std::cout << t1 << ", " << t2 << '\n';

int main()
    foo<int>(3.4); //T1 is explicitly int, T2 is deduced to be double

My current solution is to exploit this feature and construct the object through a function:我目前的解决方案是利用此功能并通过 function 构建 object:

template<typename U1, typename U2>
S<U1, U2> construct_S(const U2& t2)
    return S<U1, U2>{t2};

int main()
    auto s2 = construct_S<int>(1.5);
    std::function<void(int)> func2 = s2;

I find this solution clumsy because we're using an external function to construct the object.我发现这个解决方案很笨拙,因为我们使用外部 function 来构建 object。

I was wondering if there's a cleaner solution for doing this.我想知道是否有更清洁的解决方案可以做到这一点。

Maybe something with deduction guides?也许有扣除指南的东西? I'm not sure.我不确定。

As mentioned in a comment, you can use a nested class such that the two parameters can be provided seperately (one explicitly the other deduced):如评论中所述,您可以使用嵌套的 class 以便可以单独提供两个参数(一个显式推导出另一个):

template<typename T1>
struct S {
    template <typename T2>
    struct impl {
        T2 t2;    
        impl(const T2& _t2) : t2{_t2} {}

    template <typename T2>
    impl(const T2&) -> impl<T2>;

int main() {
    S<int>::impl<double> s {3.14};
    S<int>::impl s2 {3.14};    // <- T1 is provided in the angle brackets, T2 is deduced

I found this How to provide deduction guide for nested template class?我发现这个如何为嵌套模板 class 提供推演指南? . . Though, the above code compiles without issues with both gcc and clang: https://godbolt.org/z/MMaPYGbe1 .尽管如此,上面的代码在 gcc 和 clang 编译时都没有问题: https://godbolt.org/z/MMaPYGbe1

If refactoring the class template is not an option, the helper function is a common and clean solution.如果重构 class 模板不是一个选项,帮助程序 function 是一个常见且干净的解决方案。 The standard library has many make_xxx functions, some of them were only needed before CTAD was a thing.标准库有许多make_xxx函数,其中一些仅在 CTAD 出现之前才需要。

The simplest way is to provide factory function which will take over deduction of types:最简单的方法是提供工厂function,它将接管类型的扣除:

template<typename T1, typename T2>
auto makeS(T2 x) -> S<T1, T2>
    return S<T1, T2>{x};

https://godbolt.org/z/4cPTdv7e3 https://godbolt.org/z/4cPTdv7e3

template<typename T2>
struct S
    T2 t2;

    S(const T2& _t2) : t2{_t2} {}
    template<typename T1>
    void operator()(const T1& t1)
        std::cout << t1 << ", " << t2 << '\n';

int main()
    S s {3.14}; // T1 not provided
    std::function<void(int)> func2 = s; // T1 deduced by std function
    func2(42); // works

I just removed T1 and made it a template argument of operator() and everything works.我刚刚删除了T1并将其作为operator()的模板参数,一切正常。

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