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谷歌数据融合 CPU


I have a problem when I trying to deploy a downstream pipeline, the error from logs is this:当我尝试部署下游管道时遇到问题,日志中的错误是这样的:

PROVISION task failed in REQUESTING_CREATE state for program run program_run:default.ListaNomi1_v3.-SNAPSHOT.workflow.DataPipelineWorkflow.182bbf2c-576b-11ec-8095-da8d4f8ab0b3 due to Dataproc operation failure: INVALID_ARGUMENT: Multiple validation errors: - Insufficient 'CPUS' quota. PROVISION 任务在 REQUESTING_CREATE state 中为程序运行 program_run:default.ListaNomi1_v3.-SNAPSHOT.workflow.DataPipelineWorkflow.182bbf2c-576b-11ec-8095-da8d4f8ab0b3 失败,原因是 Dataproc 操作失败。 Requested 10.0, available 3.0.请求 10.0,可用 3.0。 - Insufficient 'CPUS_ALL_REGIONS' quota. - 'CPUS_ALL_REGIONS' 配额不足。 Requested 10.0, available 7.0.请求 10.0,可用 7.0。 - Insufficient 'IN_USE_ADDRESSES' quota. - 'IN_USE_ADDRESSES' 配额不足。 Requested 3.0, available 1.0.请求 3.0,可用 1.0。 - This request exceeds CPU quota. - 此请求超出 CPU 配额。 Some things to try: request fewer workers (a minimum of 2 is required), use smaller master and/or worker machine types (such as n1-standard-2)..一些事情要尝试:请求更少的工人(至少需要 2 个),使用更小的主和/或工人机器类型(例如 n1-standard-2)..

I'm trying to change the worker and Master nodes configuration but it always Fail, I can't modify the quota beacause I m not the leader and he says that can't change.我正在尝试更改工作节点和主节点配置,但它总是失败,我无法修改配额,因为我不是领导者,他说不能改变。

To process data with Cloud Data Fusion you need a cluster.要使用 Cloud Data Fusion 处理数据,您需要一个集群。 Two options are:两个选项是:

  • Ephemeral cluster when it's created for each pipeline run.为每个管道运行创建的临时集群。 This is the one you are trying to use, but it needs compute quotas to create a cluster这是您尝试使用的,但它需要计算配额才能创建集群
  • Static cluster (Existing Dataproc). Static 集群(现有 Dataproc)。 In this case the cluster is created beforehand and you simply "points" your Pipeline to use it by creating and selection provisioning profile.在这种情况下,集群是预先创建的,您只需通过创建和选择配置文件来“指向”您的管道以使用它。 This can be an option to prevent quota issues during pipeline start.这可以作为防止管道启动期间出现配额问题的选项。 But such a static cluster would incur costs while it's running, even without any jobs.但是这样的 static 集群在运行时会产生成本,即使没有任何作业。

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