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将 RestSharp 请求转换为 HttpClient 请求

[英]Translating RestSharp request to HttpClient request

I'm programmatically uploading files to a remote server.我正在以编程方式将文件上传到远程服务器。 The files are moderately large and I'd like to present a progress report to my users so they can see something happening.这些文件相当大,我想向我的用户提供一份进度报告,以便他们可以看到正在发生的事情。 I was able to implement the upload using Postman which helpfully translated the whole thing to RestSharp.我能够使用 Postman 实现上传,这有助于将整个内容翻译成 RestSharp。 But RestSharp does not provide any kind of progress tracking.但 RestSharp 不提供任何类型的进度跟踪。 I tried to implement the same functionality using HttpClient but it goes wrong somewhere the and server just throws a "400 - Bad Request" without telling exactly what is bad about it (its API documentation is also not for the faint of heart).我尝试使用 HttpClient 实现相同的功能,但它在某处出错,并且服务器只是抛出“400 - 错误请求”而没有确切说明它的坏处(它的 API 文档也不适合胆小的人)。

So, here's what Postman / RestSharp provide and which is working:因此,这是 Postman / RestSharp 提供的并且正在工作的内容:

var client = new RestClient("https://opencast/ingest/addMediaPackage");
      client.Timeout = -1;
      var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
      request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Basic FooBarBaz=");
      request.AddParameter("creator", file.Creator);
      request.AddParameter("title", file.Title);
      request.AddParameter("flavor", "presentation/source");
      request.AddParameter("description", file.Description);
           request.AddFile("BODY", path);
           IRestResponse response = await client.ExecuteAsync(request);
           _logger.LogInformation($"Response after file upload: {response.StatusCode}");
      catch (Exception ex)
           _logger.LogError(ex, "Exception when uploading files: {Message}", ex.Message);

and here's what I tried to do with HttpClient (without try-catch):这就是我尝试用 HttpClient 做的事情(没有 try-catch):

var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, $"https://opencast/ingest/addMediaPackage");
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic FooBarBaz=");
using var form = new MultipartFormDataContent();
using var fileContent = new ByteArrayContent(await File.ReadAllBytesAsync(path));
fileContent.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse("multipart/form-data");
form.Add(fileContent, "BODY", Path.GetFileName(path));
form.Add(new StringContent(file.Creator), "creator");
form.Add(new StringContent(file.Title), "title");
form.Add(new StringContent("presentation/source"), "flavor");
form.Add(new StringContent(file.Description), "description");
request.Content = form;
var client = clientFactory.CreateClient(); //which is a IHttpClientFactory
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);

This code sends the file to the server which, after completing the upload, throws a 400. Currently not seeing the difference.此代码将文件发送到服务器,在完成上传后,服务器会抛出 400。目前没有看到差异。 I could intercept the requests to see where they differ but maybe someone here can see the problem right away?我可以拦截请求以查看它们的不同之处,但也许这里有人可以立即看到问题?

Update: It gets weirder.更新:它变得更奇怪了。 If I just use clientFactory.PostAsync(form) and add the Auth headers through form.Add then I get a 200 (ie Success) but the server simply swallows the file.如果我只使用clientFactory.PostAsync(form)并通过form.Add添加 Auth 标头,那么我会得到 200(即 Success),但服务器只会吞下文件。

Okay, I found the solution.好的,我找到了解决方案。 I'm not sure whether the WTF is me or the guys behind the server but...我不确定 WTF 是我还是服务器背后的人,但是...

... you need to add the fileContent last . ...您需要最后添加文件内容。

Yes, the order of the parameters matters for this.是的,参数的顺序对此很重要。

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