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javascript object 面向编程中执行 super() 构造函数和子类方法的顺序是什么?

[英]What is the order of executing super() constructor and subclass methods in javascript object oriented programming?

Why is this undefined in render() method inside of the subclass?为什么在子类的render()方法this未定义? Why this inside of the base class constructor refers to the created object based on subclass?为什么this基础 class 构造函数内部引用了基于子类创建的 object ? I want to know the execution order in here.我想知道这里的执行顺序。

 class baseClass { constructor() { this.render(); // why does "this" (not this.render()) refer to the created object based on derivedClass? } render() { console.log("won't get executed."); } } class derivedClass extends baseClass { foo = "foo" constructor() { super(); console.log(this); } render() { console.log(this.foo); // why is "this" undefined? alert("rendered"); } } new derivedClass;

To better understand how it works you can change your code a bit:为了更好地理解它是如何工作的,你可以稍微改变你的代码:

class baseClass {
  bar = 'bar';

  constructor() {
      `In baseClass constructor this is ${JSON.stringify(this, null, 2)}`
    this.render(); // why does "this" (not this.render()) refer to the created object based on derivedClass?

  render() {
    console.log('baseClass rendered');

class derivedClass extends baseClass {
  foo = 'foo';
  constructor() {
      `In derivedClass constructor this is ${JSON.stringify(this, null, 2)}`

  render() {
    console.log('derivedClass rendered');

new derivedClass();

It will output:它将 output:

In baseClass constructor this is {
  "bar": "bar"
  derivedClass { bar: 'bar' }
  derivedClass rendered
In derivedClass constructor this is {
  "bar": "bar",
  "foo": "foo"
  derivedClass { bar: 'bar', foo: 'foo' }
  derivedClass rendered

So the sequence is as follows:所以顺序如下:

  1. derivedClass constructor is called when you do new derivedClass();执行new derivedClass();时调用derivedClass构造函数;
  2. It calls the baseClass constructor它调用baseClass构造函数
  3. The data members are populated with what baseClass "owns"数据成员填充了baseClass “拥有”的内容
  4. The methods though are of derivedClass , that's why you see "derivedClass rendered" when render is called from the baseClass constructor.虽然这些方法属于derivedClass ,这就是为什么在从baseClass构造函数调用 render 时看到“derivedClass 渲染”的原因。
  5. The data members of derivedClass are added添加了derivedClass的数据成员
  6. derivedClass constructor calls render again. derivedClass构造函数再次调用render

It is somewhat counter-intuitive, especially if you come from OOP background with C++, Java, etc. And I think this is the reason why some try to avoid classes and this in JavaScript entirely. It is somewhat counter-intuitive, especially if you come from OOP background with C++, Java, etc. And I think this is the reason why some try to avoid classes and this in JavaScript entirely.

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