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[英]serviceWorker 'activate' and 'message' events not firing

I'm trying to use serviceWorkers for the first time, and even though it started well, I'm a little stuck..我第一次尝试使用serviceWorkers ,尽管它开始很好,但我有点卡住了..

Here's my very simple service-worker.js :这是我非常简单的service-worker.js

self.addEventListener('install', () => {
  console.log('Hello world from the Service worker')

self.addEventListener('activate', () => {
  console.log('Serive worker now active')

self.addEventListener('message', event => {
  console.log('Service worker received message ' + JSON.stringify(event))

I register for the service worker like so:我像这样注册服务人员:

useEffect(() => {
    if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
        .then(() => {
          console.log('Service worker registration successful')
        .catch(e => {
          console.error('Service worker registration failed: ' + e)
  }, [])

As I load my app, I get the following logs:当我加载我的应用程序时,我得到以下日志:

Service worker registration successful // APP
Hello world from the Service worker // SERVICE WORKER install event

So, I do get the install event called, but not the activate event.所以,我确实调用了install事件,但没有调用activate事件。

Also, when I send a message to the service worker from my app:此外,当我从我的应用程序向服务人员发送消息时:

navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({test: 'test'})

the message event on the service worker doesn't get called either...服务工作者的message事件也不会被调用......

Is there something wrong I'm doing?我做错了什么吗? Doesn't the service worker activate somehow?服务人员不会以某种方式激活吗?

For additional context, my app uses Next.js , and I place the service-worker.js in the public folder in my project.对于其他上下文,我的应用程序使用Next.js ,并将service-worker.js放在我项目的public中。

Also, on the app, if I try posting the message like this:此外,在应用程序上,如果我尝试发布这样的消息:

navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {
  registration.active.postMessage({test: 'test'})

I get logged the instance of the service worker, (I assume) meaning that the service worker is indeed active/ready.我记录了服务人员的实例,(我假设)这意味着服务人员确实处于活动状态/准备就绪。

ServiceWorkerRegistration.active isn't immediately available, so the instance should be obtained with installing or waiting first. ServiceWorkerRegistration.active不是立即可用的,因此应该先installingwaiting来获取实例。 skipWaiting() could be used when the SW is updated/modified since last installation.当自上次安装以来更新/修改 SW 时,可以使用skipWaiting()

// main.js

  .then(reg  => {
    console.log('registered', reg)
    const sw = reg.installing || reg.waiting || reg.active
    sw.postMessage({ milliseconds: Date.now() })
  .catch(() => console.error('registration failed'))
// service-worker.js

self.addEventListener('install', e => {
  self.skipWaiting() // always activate updated SW immediately

self.addEventListener('activate', e => console.log(e.type))

self.addEventListener('message', e => console.log(e.type, e.data))

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