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MySQL select 来自一个表的行,第二个表中有多行,并在所选行中获取多行数组

[英]MySQL select row from one table with multiple rows in a second table and get array of multi row in selected row

i have one table containing "Client" information, and another including "Tickets" information for each client.我有一个包含“客户”信息的表格,另一个包含每个客户的“门票”信息。

int-------| varchar -------| varchar
client_id | client_name    | client_tickets
1         | Title one      | 1,2
2         | Title two      | 2,3

Simplified tickets table简化票务表

int--------| varchar -------| varchar
ticket_id  | ticket_name | ticket_price
1          | ticketone   | 30  
2          | tickettwo   | 40   
3          | ticketthree | 50  
4          | ticketfour  | 60   
5          | ticketfive  | 70 

With the above two tables, I want to produce a single table with a single query with all the pertinent information to generate a search grid So as to give the following output:有了上面的两个表,我想用一个查询生成一个包含所有相关信息的表,以生成一个搜索网格,从而给出以下 output:

client_id | client_name    | client_tickets | ticket_names          | ticket_prices
1         | Title one      | 1,2            | ticketone,tickettwo   | 30,40
2         | Title two      | 2,3            | tickettwo,ticketthree | 40,50

ticket_names,ticket_ids,client_name are varchar ticket_names,ticket_ids,client_name 是 varchar

I want to receive the final 5 columns with one request for example:我想通过一个请求接收最后 5 列,例如:

(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ticket_name SEPARATOR ',') FROM tickets_table WHERE ticket_id IN(s.client_tickets)) AS ticket_names, 
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ticket_price SEPARATOR ',') FROM tickets_table WHERE ticket_id IN(s.client_tickets)) AS ticket_prices 
FROM client_table s where s.client_id=1

Which seems to have a problem Do you have a better suggestion?哪个好像有问题 你有更好的建议吗?

Please make your suggestions请提出你的建议

What you want a fairly straightforward SELECT query with some LEFT/INNER JOIN (s).你想要一个相当简单的SELECT查询和一些LEFT/INNER JOIN (s)。

This website has some good examples/explanations which seem very close to your need: https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-inner-join.aspx这个网站有一些很好的例子/解释似乎非常接近你的需要: https://www.mysqltutorial.org/mysql-inner-join.aspx

I would give you a quick working example, but it is not really clear to me what datatype the relevant columns are.我会给你一个快速工作的例子,但我并不清楚相关列是什么数据类型。 Both tables' _id -columns are likely some variant of INTEGER, are they also both primary keys (or otherwise atleast indexed?), the client_name / ticket_name are likely VARCHAR/TEXT/STRING types, but how exactly is the remaining column stored?两个表的_id列可能是 INTEGER 的一些变体,它们也是主键(或者至少是索引?), client_name / ticket_name可能是 VARCHAR/TEXT/STRING 类型,但是剩余列到底是如何存储的? as json or array or?作为 json 或阵列或? (+details) (+细节)

Also you tagged your post with PHP , are you just after the SQL query?您还用PHP标记了您的帖子,您是在 SQL 查询之后吗? or looking for PHP code with the SQL inside it.或查找 PHP 代码,其中包含 SQL。

Also, a minor recommendation.另外,一个小建议。 If you're just starting out making whatever you're building, and aren't married to these specifics yet.如果您刚刚开始制作您正在构建的任何东西,并且还没有与这些细节结婚。

If you're using an array or json to store those client_tickets , and you're not ALSO using that JSON to store a ton of other info that you've left out here, then i would recommend not using json for this.如果您使用数组或 json 来存储这些client_tickets ,并且您也没有使用该 JSON 来存储您在此处遗漏的大量其他信息,那么我建议您不要使用 Z466DEEC76ECDF24D546D

A simple junction table would be a far more natural way to store such relationships, and easier to manage with SQL.一个简单的联结表将是存储此类关系的一种更自然的方式,并且使用 SQL 更易于管理。

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