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MySQL substring 自加入

[英]MySQL substring to self join

I'm defining the relationship between the two tables using a join table.我正在使用连接表定义两个表之间的关系。 I want to arrange them in the order of many overlapping things.我想按许多重叠事物的顺序排列它们。 Currently, we are using subquery, is there a way to get the same result using join?目前,我们正在使用子查询,有没有办法使用连接获得相同的结果?

People                     FoodTable                  PeopleFood
ID |  NAME                 ID |  Food                 ID | PeopleId | FoodId  
1     BOB                  1     Hamberger            1     1           1
2     JOHN                 2     Pizza                2     1           2
3     KATY                 3     Chicken              3     1           3
4     MILLER               4     Salad                4     2           1
5     AMANDA               5     Sushi                5     2           2
                                                      6     2           3
                                                      7     3           2
                                                      8     3           3
                                                      9     4           3
                                                      10    4           5
                                                      11    5           5

When the table is defined in this way, I want to arrange food tastes similar to Bob's.当以这种方式定义表时,我想安排类似于 Bob 的食物口味。 I'm doing it like this now.我现在正在这样做。

SELECT people_id, COUNT(people_id) as count 
FROM peopleFood
WHERE food_id IN 
 (SELECT food_id FROM peopleFood
  WHERE people_id = 1)
AND people_id != 1
GROUP BY people_id

-- Result -------------
People_id | count
2           3
3           2
4           1

Is there a better way to change this method or use join?有没有更好的方法来改变这种方法或使用加入? Thank you!!!谢谢!!!

Inner join:内部联接:

SELECT p.People_id, COUNT(p.People_id) as count FROM PeopleTable p 
    INNER JOIN FoodTable f 
    ON(p.People_id = f.FoodId) 
    WHERE people = 1 
    GROUP BY p.people_id 
    ORDER BY count DESC;

If it helps, please mark it as an accepted answer!如果有帮助,请将其标记为已接受的答案!

You have been inconsistent in your use of the table and column names -您对表名和列名的使用不一致 -

Tables - PeopleFood in your sample data but you reference peopleFood in your query.表 - 示例数据中的PeopleFood ,但您在查询中引用peopleFood

Columns - PeopleId and FoodId in your sample data but you reference people_id and food_id in your query.列 - 示例数据中的PeopleIdFoodId ,但您在查询中引用people_idfood_id

Choose a naming convention and stick to it.选择一个命名约定并坚持下去。 Everyone has there own preference but the important thing is to be consistent.每个人都有自己的偏好,但重要的是要保持一致。

The equivalent query with INNER JOIN instead of your sub-query is -使用 INNER JOIN 而不是您的子查询的等效查询是 -

    COUNT(`pf2`.`food_id`) as `count`
FROM `PeopleFood` `pf1`
INNER JOIN `PeopleFood` `pf2`
    ON `pf2`.`people_id` <> `pf1`.`people_id`
    AND `pf2`.`food_id` = `pf1`.`food_id`
WHERE `pf1`.`people_id` = 1
GROUP BY `pf2`.`people_id`
ORDER BY `count` DESC;

The performance difference between the two queries is unlikely to be noticeable and it might be argued that the intent is clearer in your version with the sub-query.两个查询之间的性能差异不太可能很明显,并且可能会认为在您的版本中使用子查询的意图更清晰。

The surrogate key ID on your PeopleFood table should be dropped in favour of the compound “natural” primary key on people_id and food_id .应删除PeopleFood表上的代理键ID ,取而代之的是people_idfood_id上的复合“自然”主键。

The Cost of Useless Surrogate Keys in Relationship Tables 关系表中无用代理键的成本

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