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[英]How to make private repository fork private as well?

I, the owner of a private repository have a maintainer who forked the repository a while back.我,一个私有存储库的所有者,有一个维护者,他不久前对存储库进行了分叉。 The repository was private when it was forked.存储库在分叉时是私有的。 I looked at their account today and it shows that the repository is public.我今天查看了他们的帐户,它显示存储库是公开的。 Is it actually public or private?它实际上是公共的还是私人的?

If you can look at their account and see it, it's definitely public.如果您可以查看他们的帐户并看到它,那绝对是公开的。 Not only that, it's in their account, meaning they own the repo, not you, even if you legally own the code (see below and IANAL ).不仅如此,它在他们的账户中,这意味着他们拥有回购,而不是你,即使你合法拥有代码(见下文和IANAL )。

Once you allow someone to copy something (that is what a fork is: a copy), there is no way to undo that without their cooperation or by force of law.一旦您允许某人复制某些东西(这就是分叉的含义:副本),如果没有他们的合作或法律强制,就无法撤消该操作。 That's just the nature of giving anyone access.这就是允许任何人访问的本质。 GitHub isn't going to give people the power to unilaterally delete repos in other people's accounts. GitHub 不会赋予人们单方面删除其他人账户中的回购的权力。 Ownership is a complicated issue and they aren't going to want to get involved with that mess, or be in the role of cop.所有权是一个复杂的问题,他们不想卷入这个烂摊子,或者扮演警察的角色。 Even if they did, that doesn't solve the problem of local clones out of their reach, or the many other ways copies proliferate.即使他们这样做了,这也不能解决本地克隆超出他们能力范围的问题,或者其他许多复制方式的扩散。

Your only recourse is a legal one.你唯一的追索权是合法的。 What were the license terms of the code?代码的许可条款是什么? Who owns the copyright?谁拥有版权? If they were the maintainer, did they sign over all rights to you?如果他们是维护者,他们是否将所有权利都转让给了您?

Actually you have another recourse: Talk to the owner of the other repo.实际上,您还有另一种方法:与另一个 repo 的所有者交谈。 Ask them to delete the repo.要求他们删除回购。 If they refuse, think about what you would have to do legally to compel them: prove copyright ownership in court.如果他们拒绝,请考虑您必须采取哪些合法措施才能强迫他们:在法庭上证明版权所有权。 Now you see why GitHub wouldn't or can't get involved.现在你明白为什么 GitHub 不会或不能参与。

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