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从 C++ 应用程序中,如何检查 Active Directory 中的特定用户是否属于特定安全组?

[英]From a C++ application, how can I check if a specific user in Active Directory is part of a particular security group?

I'm currently working on a C++ application that needs to authenticate a user against the Active Directory on our domain (which I have working), and then also check if that user is part of a particular security group in that Active Directory.我目前正在开发一个 C++ 应用程序,该应用程序需要针对我们域上的 Active Directory(我正在工作)对用户进行身份验证,然后还要检查该用户是否属于该 Active Directory 中的特定安全组。 I've been using WinLDAP to authenticate ( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/ldap/establishing-an-ldap-session ), and I've had no problems there.我一直在使用 WinLDAP 进行身份验证( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/desktop/ldap/establishing-an-ldap-session ),我在那里没有问题. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be anything in the API for checking which security groups a user belongs to (in our Active Directory), or checking if they are a member of a specific group.问题是 API 中似乎没有任何内容可用于检查用户属于哪些安全组(在我们的 Active Directory 中),或者检查他们是否是特定组的成员。

I've found some answers in other threads, but they either (1) are written in C# or (2) only tell you how to check the Active Directory groups for the current user on that Windows machine, which is not what I need.我在其他线程中找到了一些答案,但它们要么(1)用 C# 编写,要么(2)只告诉你如何在 Windows 机器上检查当前用户的 Active Directory 组,这不是我需要的。 The current user on the PC might not be the same person logging into our application, or they might use a different account to log into their PC than they use for authenticating against the Active Directory. PC 上的当前用户可能不是登录到我们的应用程序的同一个人,或者他们可能使用不同的帐户登录到他们的 PC,而不是他们用于针对 Active Directory 进行身份验证的帐户。 I need to be able to specify the user I'm checking the security groups for.我需要能够指定我正在为其检查安全组的用户。

The solution doesn't need to use LDAP, but it does need to work in C++ and Windows.该解决方案不需要使用 LDAP,但它确实需要在 C++ 和 Windows 中工作。 Our application also uses Qt, so I'm certainly open to options that require Qt.我们的应用程序还使用 Qt,所以我当然愿意接受需要 Qt 的选项。 I'm really just looking for a simple way to say "Does user [X] belong to group [Y] in the Active Directory on domain [Z]".我真的只是在寻找一种简单的方式来表达“用户 [X] 是否属于域 [Z] 上的 Active Directory 中的组 [Y]”。 Alternatively, it could work as "List all groups that user [X] belongs to in the Active Directory on domain [Z]".或者,它可以作为“列出用户 [X] 在域 [Z] 上的 Active Directory 中所属的所有组”。 Either one is perfectly fine, as long as I can specify the user name in the AD, meaning it doesn't just operate on the current Windows user account.任何一个都很好,只要我可以在 AD 中指定用户名,这意味着它不仅仅对当前的 Windows 用户帐户进行操作。 Any help would be greatly appreciated!任何帮助将不胜感激!

You can use Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) to do this.您可以使用Active Directory 服务接口 (ADSI)来执行此操作。 There's a C++ example of binding to a user account using ADsGetObject here: Binding With GetObject and ADsGetObject这里有一个使用ADsGetObject绑定到用户帐户的 C++ 示例: Binding With GetObject and ADsGetObject

If you specify IID_IADsUser as the riid parameter, you can get an IADsUser object, and then use IADsUser::Groups to get all the groups that the user is a member of.如果指定IID_IADsUser作为riid参数,则可以获取一个IADsUser object,然后使用IADsUser::Groups获取该用户所属的所有组。

The C# examples can still be helpful to you, since the System.DirectoryServices namespace is really just a wrapper around ADSI. C# 示例仍然对您有帮助,因为System.DirectoryServices命名空间实际上只是 ADSI 的包装器。 For example, this C#:例如,这个 C#:

var user = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://CN=jeffsmith,DC=fabrikam,DC=com");

is equivalent to this in C++:相当于 C++ 中的这个:

hr = ADsGetObject(L"LDAP://CN=jeffsmith,DC=fabrikam,DC=com", IID_IADsUser, (void**) &pUser);

DirectoryEntry.Properties is equivalent to IADs::Get / IADs::GetEx DirectoryEntry.Properties等价于IADs::Get / IADs::GetEx

DirectoryEntry.RefreshCache is equivalent to IADs::GetInfo / IADs::GetInfoEx DirectoryEntry.RefreshCache等价于IADs::GetInfo / IADs::GetInfoEx

DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges is equivalent to IADs::SetInfo DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges等价于IADs::SetInfo

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