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[英]How can I unsubscribe from this subscription?

I have a PolicyGuard with a method canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) .我有一个带有方法PolicyGuard canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot)的 PolicyGuard。

In canActivate I create an observable, and inside of this observable I subscribe to an Observable that I retrieve from my AbilityService .canActivate ,我创建了一个 observable,在这个 observable 内部,我订阅了一个从AbilityService检索到的 Observable。

The observable I retrieve from AbilityService listens for changes to a users "policies"/"abilities".我从AbilityService检索到的 observable 监听用户“策略”/“能力”的变化。

This gets pretty messy when I am making changes to a user's "policies" and pushing those changes to the client using Socket.io as page re-direction to the home page can happen when I don't want it to (One subscription runs obs.next(true) while another subscription routes to home and runs obs.next(false) )当我对用户的“策略”进行更改并使用Socket.io将这些更改推送到客户端时,这会变得非常混乱,因为当我不希望它发生页面重定向到主页时(一个订阅运行obs.next(true)而另一个订阅路由到家并运行obs.next(false) )

Is there a way I can make the subscription unsubscribe when leaving the page that the subscription was meant for?离开订阅的页面时,有没有办法让订阅取消订阅?

export class PolicyGuard implements CanActivate {

    constructor(protected router: Router, private abilityService: AbilityService) {}

    canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
        console.log("PolicyGuard() - canActivate()");

        return new Observable<boolean>(obs => {
            const observable = this.abilityService.getAbility();
            observable.subscribe(ability => {
                const can = ability.can(route.data.action, route.data.subject);

                if (can) {
                else {

You have currently created an additional Observable which is in my opinion not required.您当前创建了一个额外的 Observable,我认为这不是必需的。 You could simply return this.abilityService.getAbility() and transform the return value with the RxJS map operator.您可以简单地返回this.abilityService.getAbility()并使用 RxJS map运算符转换返回值。 This way Angular would take over and handle the subscription from your Observable.这样 Angular 将接管并处理来自 Observable 的订阅。

This would look like this:这看起来像这样:

canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
  console.log("PolicyGuard() - canActivate()");

  return this.abilityService.getAbility().pipe(
    map(ability => {
      const can = ability.can(route.data.action, route.data.subject);
      if (!can) {
      return can;

The example for canActivate on angular.io does something simliar, just without the map operator.在 angular.io 上的canActivate 示例做了类似的事情,只是没有map运算符。

I found a quite nice solution to my problem by introducing a Subject , subscribing to router events, and comparing the state url with a router event url.通过引入Subject ,订阅路由器事件,并将 state url 与路由器事件 url 进行比较,我找到了一个很好的解决方案。


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