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当主站点托管在 Wordpress 上时,将子域重定向到 S3 存储桶?

[英]Redirecting a subdomain to an S3 bucket while main site is hosted on Wordpress?

We've got a main website ( www.example.com ) which is hosted on Wordpress.我们有一个主网站 ( www.example.com ),它托管在 Wordpress 上。 I've built a replacement site which I've hosted in AWS S3 (test.example.com.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/).我已经建立了一个在 AWS S3 中托管的替代站点(test.example.com.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/)。 The DNS records for the main website are hosted on Route 53.主网站的 DNS 记录托管在 Route 53 上。

I'd like the replacement site to be accessible from test.example.com while keeping the main site running.我希望可以从 test.example.com 访问替换站点,同时保持主站点运行。 I've put the following DNS record in Route 53:我在 Route 53 中放置了以下 DNS 记录:

test.example.com    CNAME   Simple  -   

However, browsing to test.example.com still brings me to the main site, not the replacement site.但是,浏览 test.example.com 仍然会将我带到主站点,而不是替换站点。

What am I doing wrong?我究竟做错了什么?

Try to use an A alias record in Route53 instead of CNAME .尝试在 Route53 中使用A别名记录而不是CNAME

Also, make sure you:此外,请确保您:

  • Name your bucket exactly as your DNS name, eg if your DNS name is test.example.com , then your bucket name should read test.example.com将您的存储桶命名为您的DNS名称,例如,如果您的 DNS 名称是test.example.com ,那么您的存储桶名称应为test.example.com
  • Enable Static website hosting on your bucket在您的存储桶上启用Static website hosting
  • Regarding security, set the Block public access setting to Off and关于安全性,将Block public access设置设置为Off ,然后
  • Apply the following Bucket policy:应用以下存储桶策略:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Statement1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": [

I would recommend to put your static S3 website behind CloudFront.我建议将您的 static S3 网站放在 CloudFront 后面。 You will benefit from its low latency and high transfer rates for your end users.您将受益于它为您的最终用户带来的低延迟和高传输率。 Also, your S3 bills will be noticeably reduced (if served to a large number of users).此外,您的 S3 账单将显着减少(如果提供给大量用户)。

And last but not least, you will be able to serve your static web-site via https .最后但同样重要的是,您将能够通过https为您的 static 网站提供服务。 Your current solution works via http only.您当前的解决方案仅通过http工作。

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