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我从 GitHub Pages 部署中收到 400 状态代码错误

[英]I get a 400 status code error from a GitHub Pages deployment

During an automated "pages build and deployment" workflow, I get the following error:在自动化的“页面构建和部署”工作流程中,我收到以下错误:

Error: Request failed with status code 400错误:请求失败,状态码为 400

This is just a static site, no jekyll or anything like that (I have a .nojekyll file in the root) and it's worked fine for several years until today.这只是一个 static 站点,没有 jekyll 或类似的东西(我在根目录中有一个.nojekyll文件),并且它运行了好几年直到今天。

I've opened a ticket on GitHub support, but in case anyone here can help me in the meantime... Is there anything I can do to try to resolve this?我已经在 GitHub 支持上开了一张票,但是如果这里有人可以同时帮助我……我能做些什么来解决这个问题吗?

It could be the side-effect of (from two days ago)这可能是(从两天前开始)的副作用

GitHub Pages: using GitHub Actions for builds and deployments for public repositories GitHub 页面:使用 GitHub 操作来构建和部署公共存储库

Today you will begin to see a new workflow running called pages build and deployment in your public GitHub Pages repositories.今天,您将开始在您的公共 GitHub 页面存储库中看到一个名为页面构建和部署的新工作流程正在运行。

This workflow is automatically triggered when you push to the branch configured for GitHub Pages in your repository.当您推送到存储库中为 GitHub 页面配置的分支时,会自动触发此工作流。
As the name suggests, it builds and deploys your pages site.顾名思义,它构建和部署您的页面站点。

The initial benefit of this change is enabling you to see your build logs and any errors that may occur which has been a long standing issue for Pages users.此更改的最初好处是使您能够查看构建日志以及可能发生的任何错误,这对于 Pages 用户来说是长期存在的问题。
However, in the future this will enable us to give you the ability to fully customize your pages build and deployment workflow to use any static site generator you want without having to push the build output to a special branch of the repository.但是,在未来,这将使我们能够让您完全自定义您的页面构建和部署工作流程,以使用您想要的任何 static 站点生成器,而无需将构建 output 推送到存储库的特殊分支。

You may notice this workflow uses some new actions actions/pages-deploy , and actions/jekyll-build-pages .您可能会注意到此工作流程使用了一些新的操作actions/pages-deployactions/jekyll-build-pages
For now these actions are designed to be used in the generated workflow, however, starting early next year we will introduce some additional changes that will enable you to take advantage of them.目前,这些操作旨在用于生成的工作流程,但是,从明年年初开始,我们将引入一些额外的更改,使您能够利用它们。

Learn more about GitHub Pages了解有关 GitHub 的更多信息

So Cecilapp/GitHub-Pages-deploy (the GitHub Pages deploy ) workflow you might be using) might behave differently in light of those recent changes.因此,您可能正在使用的Cecilapp/GitHub-Pages-deployGitHub Pages deploy )工作流程)可能会因最近的这些变化而有所不同。

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