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ZSH 在我的 VS 代码终端中扭曲并显示带有长空格的字符

[英]ZSH distorts in my VS code terminal and shows characters with long spaces

I enabled zsh on my vs code terminal but it displays like this:我在我的 vs 代码终端上启用了 zsh,但它显示如下:


here is my settings.json:这是我的设置。json: 在此处输入图像描述

how can I fix it?我该如何解决?

In Ubuntu 20.04 none of the stuff in the answers worked for me, it kept complaining about with the message:在 Ubuntu 20.04 中,答案中的所有内容都不适合我,它一直在抱怨以下消息:

The terminal only supports monospace fonts.终端仅支持等宽 fonts。

So I dig a bit and this is my solution:所以我挖了一下,这是我的解决方案:

No need to add extra fonts in Ubuntu 20.04 to fix this, we just need to add the missing powerline fonts inside vscode to display the symbols correctly.无需在 Ubuntu 20.04 中添加额外的 fonts 即可修复此问题,我们只需添加缺少的电力线 Z980D14C0C85495B48B9A9134658E6121 即可正确显示 vscode 内部的符号

So I just added to my settings:所以我只是添加到我的设置中:

    "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "monospace, PowerlineSymbols",

And everything was nice and smooth and I could see my VSCode terminal with powerline just like the regular OS terminal.一切都很顺利,我可以看到我的带有电力线的 VSCode 终端,就像普通的 OS 终端一样。

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