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使用 plotly-dash 的火箭发射场仪表板

[英]Rocket launchsite dashboard using plotly-dash

I have attempted to make a dashboard to show rocket launch site data.我试图制作一个仪表板来显示火箭发射场数据。 A lot of the code that is used is skeleton and has not been done by me.使用的很多代码都是骨架,我没有完成。 I have filled in the gaps in places where I am told.我已经填补了我被告知的地方的空白。 However, the dashboard is still not created.但是,仪表板仍未创建。 The dashboard I have tried to make should have a pie chart and a scatter plot with a drop down menu with options to show all the sites together or the sites individually(See picture).我尝试制作的仪表板应该有一个饼图和一个散点图 plot 和一个下拉菜单,其中包含一起显示所有站点或单独显示站点的选项(见图)。 However, my code is not showing any graphs and only axis.但是,我的代码没有显示任何图表,只显示轴。 Please help me to understand what is going on.请帮助我了解发生了什么。 Code Below:下面的代码:


# Import required libraries
import pandas as pd
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
import plotly.express as px

# Read the airline data into pandas dataframe
max_payload = spacex_df['Payload Mass (kg)'].max()
min_payload = spacex_df['Payload Mass (kg)'].min()

# Create a dash application
app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# Create an app layout
app.layout = html.Div(children=[html.H1('SpaceX Launch Records Dashboard',
                                        style={'textAlign': 'center', 'color': '#503D36',
                                               'font-size': 40}),
                                # TASK 1: Add a dropdown list to enable Launch Site selection
                                # The default select value is for ALL sites
                                # dcc.Dropdown(id='site-dropdown',...)
                    {'label': 'All Sites', 'value': 'ALL'},
                    {'label': 'CCAFS LC-40', 'value': 'CCAFS LC-40'},
                    {'label': 'CCAFS SLC-40', 'value': 'CCAFS SLC-40'},
                    {'label': 'KSC LC-39A', 'value': 'KSC LC-39A'},
                    {'label': 'VAFB SLC-4E', 'value': 'VAFB SLC-4E'}
                placeholder="Select a Launch Site here",

                                # TASK 2: Add a pie chart to show the total successful launches count for all sites
                                # If a specific launch site was selected, show the Success vs. Failed counts for the site

                                html.P("Payload range (Kg):"),
                                # TASK 3: Add a slider to select payload range
                min=0, max=10000, step=1000,
                marks={0: '0',
                       100: '100'},
                value=[min_payload, max_payload]),

                                # TASK 4: Add a scatter chart to show the correlation between payload and launch success

# TASK 2:
# Add a callback function for `site-dropdown` as input, `success-pie-chart` as output
@app.callback(Output(component_id='success-pie-chart', component_property='figure'),
              Input(component_id='site-dropdown', component_property='value'))
def get_pie_chart(entered_site):
    filtered_df = spacex_df
    if entered_site == 'ALL':
        fig = px.pie(spacex_df, values='class', 
        names='pie chart names', 
        return fig
       pie_fig=px.pie(spacex_df, values='class', names='pie chart names', title='successful flights')


# TASK 4:
# Add a callback function for `site-dropdown` and `payload-slider` as inputs, `success-payload-scatter-chart` as output

@app.callback(Output(component_id='success-payload-scatter-chart', component_property='figure'),
              Input(component_id="payload-slider", component_property="value"))
def get_scatter_plot(entered_site):
    filtered_df = spacex_df
    if entered_site == 'ALL':
        fig = px.scatter(spacex_df['Payload Mass (kg)'], 
        title='correlation between payload and success for all sites',
        color="Booster Version Category")
        return fig
       late_fig = px.line(spacex_df, x='Payload Mass (kg)', y='Class', color='Booster Version Category', title='correlation between payload and success for all sites')
    return late_fig

# Run the app
if __name__ == '__main__':

Okay there are several problems in your code i'll try to go one by one, your first problem is the "names" in the piechart is not what you think it is.好的,您的代码中有几个问题我会一个一个地尝试 go,您的第一个问题是饼图中的“名称”不是您认为的那样。 I'd suggest looking over the docs plotly.com/python/pie-charts我建议查看文档 plotly.com/python/pie-charts

you should choose a column in your Dataframe spacex_df.keys()您应该在 Dataframe spacex_df.keys() 中选择一列

Out[3]: Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'Flight Number', 'Launch Site', 'Mission Outcome', 'class', 'Payload Mass (kg)', 'Booster Version', 'Booster Version Category'], dtype='object') Out[3]: Index(['Unnamed: 0', 'Flight Number', 'Launch Site', 'Mission Outcome', 'class', 'Payload Mass (kg)', 'Booster Version', 'Booster Version Category '], dtype='对象')

second problem is you put your payload slider as "id" and then tried calling it, you should also use 2 inputs in your second callback if you want both inputs, also your graph has a problem you need to use "color" as a name of a column in your df第二个问题是您将有效负载 slider 作为“id”,然后尝试调用它,如果您想要两个输入,您还应该在第二个回调中使用 2 个输入,而且您的图表有问题,您需要使用“颜色”作为名称df 中的一列

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