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[英]Why can't my bot reply to telegram messages anymore?

What the bot does机器人做什么

I have 2 group chats, GC A and B. The bot is an admin to both and just forwards new messages to another group then leave a reply like "Forwarded Thanks."我有 2 个群聊,GC A 和 B。该机器人是两者的管理员,只是将新消息转发到另一个组,然后留下诸如“转发谢谢”之类的回复。 in the original group for notification.在原始组中进行通知。


In GC A the bot is able to reply to new messages just fine HOWEVER the bot is unable to reply to messages in GC A.在 GC A 中,机器人能够很好地回复新消息,但是机器人无法回复 GC A 中的消息。

I can't help but think this is a bug since the bot works fine the first time I ever ran it but after editing the code to add new features, it doesn't reply anymore.我不禁认为这是一个错误,因为机器人在我第一次运行它时运行良好,但在编辑代码以添加新功能后,它不再回复。

What's happening here and how do I solve it?这里发生了什么,我该如何解决?

As a bonus: The bot is able to notice when a message was edited and replies to it.作为奖励:机器人能够注意到消息何时被编辑并回复。 That part still works in both groups but when I just send a new message it doesn't work.这部分在两个组中仍然有效,但是当我只是发送一条新消息时它不起作用。

Solutions I've tried我尝试过的解决方案

  1. I replaced the bot entirely as in I deleted it and made a new.我完全替换了机器人,就像我删除它并制作了一个新的一样。 Still didn't work仍然没有工作

  2. I had the same issue before and just created a new group chat which worked but I cannot do that now.我之前遇到过同样的问题,刚刚创建了一个新的群聊,但我现在不能这样做。

The Code编码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Dec 15 16:28:19 2021

@author: erdze
from datetime import datetime
import telegram
from telegram import Update
import logging
from telegram.ext import Updater, CallbackContext, CommandHandler, MessageHandler, Filters
from CONSTANTS import "some stuff"

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',

bot = telegram.Bot(TOKEN_TEST)
updater = Updater(TOKEN_TEST, use_context=True)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
job = updater.job_queue

def status(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text="I am alive. Thanks!")

def test(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):    
    context.bot.send_message(chat_id=USER_TEST, text="I'm a bot not a person")
#forward to group "RECEIVER"
def forward_edits_to_group(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    check = 0
    #this section breaks up the sentence into individual words and makes the lowercase
    sent_message = update.edited_message.text
    sent_message = sent_message.lower()
    sent_message = sent_message.split()
    for keyword in keyword_list:
        if keyword in sent_message:# checks if message contains keyword
            check += 1
            if check == 3:
                bot.forward_message(chat_id = TEST_RECEIVER,
                context.bot.send_message(chat_id=TEST_RECEIVER, text="Forwarded thanks :D")
                check = 0
#forward to group "RECEIVER"
def forward_to_group(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    check = 0
    #this section breaks up the sentence into individual words and makes the lowercase
    sent_message = update.message.text
    sent_message = sent_message.lower()
    sent_message = sent_message.split()
    for keyword in keyword_list:
        if keyword in sent_message:# checks if message contains keyword
            check += 1
            if check == 3:
                bot.forward_message(chat_id = TEST_RECEIVER,
                context.bot.send_message(chat_id=TEST_RECEIVER, text="Forwarded thanks :D")
                check = 0            

#forward to group "karama dj"
def forward_edits_to_dj(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    check = 0
    #this section breaks up the sentence into individual words and makes the lowercase
    sent_message = update.edited_message.text
    sent_message = sent_message.lower()
    sent_message = sent_message.split()
    for keyword in keyword_list:
        if keyword in sent_message:# checks if message contains keyword
            check += 1
            if check == 3:
                bot.forward_message(chat_id = "a chat id",
                context.bot.send_message(chat_id="a chat id", text="Forwarded thanks :D")
                check = 0
#forward to group "karama dj"
def forward_to_dj(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    check = 0
    #this section breaks up the sentence into individual words and makes the lowercase
    sent_message = update.message.text
    sent_message = sent_message.lower()
    sent_message = sent_message.split()
    for keyword in keyword_list:
        if keyword in sent_message:# checks if message contains keyword
            check += 1
            if check == 3:
                bot.forward_message(chat_id = "a chat id",
                context.bot.send_message(chat_id="a chat id", text="Forwarded thanks :D")
                check = 0    

#forward to group "g4 strong"
def forward_edits_to_g4(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    check = 0
    #this section breaks up the sentence into individual words and makes the lowercase
    sent_message = update.edited_message.text
    sent_message = sent_message.lower()
    sent_message = sent_message.split()
    for keyword in keyword_list:
        if keyword in sent_message:# checks if message contains keyword
            check += 1
            if check == 3:
                bot.forward_message(chat_id = "a chat id",
                bot.forward_message(chat_id = "a chat id",
                context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text="Forwarded thanks :D")
                check = 0
#forward to group "g4 strong"
def forward_to_g4(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    check = 0
    #this section breaks up the sentence into individual words and makes the lowercase
    sent_message = update.message.text
    sent_message = sent_message.lower()
    sent_message = sent_message.split()
    for keyword in keyword_list:
        if keyword in sent_message:# checks if message contains keyword
            check += 1
            if check == 3:
                bot.forward_message(chat_id = "a chat id",
                bot.forward_message(chat_id = "a chat id",
                context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text="Forwarded thanks :D")
                check = 0    

#checks what the time is every second
def callback_second(context: telegram.ext.CallbackContext):
    current_time = datetime.now()
    time_now = current_time.strftime("%H,%M,%S")
    day = datetime.today().weekday()
    gawain_remind_times = [6,0,2,5]
    #sends gawain link at 9:50pm everyday
    if time_now == "21,50,00":
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
    #reminder about gawain at 1pm everyday
    if time_now == "13,00,00" and day in gawain_remind_times:
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
    #ask who attended gawain at 9:30pm
    if time_now == "21,30,00" and day in gawain_remind_times:
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
    #ask who attended gawain at 8:30pm
    if time_now == "20,30,00" and day in gawain_remind_times:
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
     #ask who attended gawain at 7:30pm 
    if time_now == "19,30,00" and day in gawain_remind_times:
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
        context.bot.send_message(chat_id=G4, text=text)
def main():
    #checks time every second
    job_minute = job.run_repeating(callback_second, interval=1)
    #status command
    start_handler = CommandHandler('status', status)
    #tester command
    test_handler = CommandHandler('test', test)
    #forwards edited messages from group TESTER
    test_forward_edits_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.chat(TEST_SENDER) & Filters.update.edited_message, forward_edits_to_group)
    #forwards messages from group TESTER
    test_forward_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.chat(TEST_SENDER), forward_to_group)
    #forwards edited messages from group
    dj_forward_edits_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.chat(KARAMA_DJ) & Filters.update.edited_message, forward_edits_to_dj)
    #forwards messages from group
    dj_forward_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.chat(KARAMA_DJ), forward_to_dj)
    #forwards edited messages from group
    g4_forward_edits_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.chat(G4) & Filters.update.edited_message, forward_edits_to_g4)
    #forwards messages from group
    g4_forward_handler = MessageHandler(Filters.chat(G4), forward_to_g4)
if __name__ == '__main__':

After leaving it for a while WITHOUT changing any of the code, it works now.在没有更改任何代码的情况下离开它一段时间后,它现在可以工作了。 I have no idea why this happened but I will leave this here for future reference.我不知道为什么会发生这种情况,但我将把它留在这里以供将来参考。

Note: I don't know if the problem is;注:不知道是不是问题; 1. a bug in ptb, 2. Telegram lag or error, and 3. my own incompetence. 1. ptb 中的错误,2. 电报延迟或错误,以及 3. 我自己的无能。 But I'm very new so its probably my incompetence但我很新,所以这可能是我的无能

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