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如何调用回调然后 go 回到 Python 中的 while 循环

[英]How to invoke callback then go back to while loop in Python

I was hoping someone could help me with the following.我希望有人可以帮助我解决以下问题。 I have a raspberry pi with an external button with GPIZero on linux.我有一个树莓派,在 linux 上有一个带有 GPIZero 的外部按钮。 I would like it so when I press the button, python prints "button is pressed" once, and nothing else prints until I release the button.我想要它,所以当我按下按钮时,python 会打印一次“按下按钮”,在我释放按钮之前不会打印任何其他内容。 When the button is released, I'd like for python to print "loop" every three seconds.释放按钮后,我希望 python 每三秒打印一次“循环”。 When I press the button, I always want the latest loop() function to be finished beforehand.当我按下按钮时,我总是希望提前完成最新的loop() function。

So essentially, upon startup, python should print "loop" over and over again until I press the button.所以基本上,在启动时,python 应该一遍又一遍地打印“循环”,直到我按下按钮。 When I press the button the loop() process should finish before python prints "button is pressed".当我按下按钮时, loop()过程应该在 python 打印“按下按钮”之前完成。 Then as long as I am holding the button, nothing else should print.然后,只要我按住按钮,就不会打印任何其他内容。 When I release the button, it should go back to looping "loop".当我释放按钮时,它应该 go 回到循环“循环”。

Right now what I have below doesn't work, but its very close to accomplishing what I want.现在我下面的内容不起作用,但它非常接近完成我想要的。 The issue is this block of code, I believe:问题是这段代码,我相信:

if button.is_pressed:
        if timer ==1:
            button.when_pressed = press

When I press the button with timer=1, I have to press the button a second time (very very quickly) in order for it to run the press() function how I've described.当我按下 timer=1 的按钮时,我必须再次按下按钮(非常非常快),以便它运行我所描述的 press() function。 I'd like to hold hold the button once for the press() function to run.我想按住按钮一次,让press() function 运行。 I know how its set up is wonky.我知道它的设置是如何的。 I believe the button.when_pressed isn't registering that the button is already pressed when it gets to that point in the code.我相信button.when_pressed没有注册按钮在到达代码中的那个点时已经被按下。 I have to quick hit the button again to get the code to go.我必须再次快速按下按钮以获取 go 的代码。 I feel like it likes it better when it is not nested in the other button.is_pressed section.当它没有嵌套在其他button.is_pressed部分时,我觉得它更喜欢它。 However, I don't know what to do.但是,我不知道该怎么做。 I feel like I need both.我觉得我两个都需要。 I want to keep the button.when_pressed callback because it prints "button is pressed" only once like I want and holds it until I release the button, but I can't get it to work on its own with If -statements.我想保留button.when_pressed回调,因为它只像我想要的那样打印“按钮被按下”一次,并一直保持到我释放按钮,但我无法使用 If -statements 让它自己工作。 Meanwhile, using only the button.is_pressed while holding the button keeps python looping the "button is pressed" print, which I don't want.同时,按住按钮时仅使用button.is_pressed会使 python 循环“按下按钮”打印,这是我不想要的。

Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。


from gpiozero import Button
from time import sleep

import time

button = Button(4)
timer = 0

def press():
    print("Button is pressed")

def loop():
    global timer
    timer =  0
    timer = 1

#button.when_released = release

while True:

    if button.is_pressed:
        if timer ==1:
            button.when_pressed = press
            button.when_pressed = None

def MainLoop():
    is_pressed = False
    while True:
        if not is_pressed and button.is_pressed:
           is_pressed = True
        else if is_pressed and not button.is_pressed:
           is_pressed = False

just maintain state...只需维护 state...

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