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Autodesk forge 查看器自定义标记未在查看器上恢复

[英]Autodesk forge viewer custom markup is not restored on viewer

I created a custom markup following the example: https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/implementing-custom-markups我按照示例创建了一个自定义标记: https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/implementing-custom-markups

The markup is created, highlighted and edited.标记被创建、突出显示和编辑。 We save and send information about the markup on the document to the server.我们保存文档上的标记信息并将其发送到服务器。 When you open a document, the native markup is perfectly restored - edited, highlighted.当您打开一个文档时,本机标记被完美地还原 - 编辑、突出显示。 But there is a problem with custom markup - they are displayed on the document, but they cannot be edited.但是自定义标记存在一个问题 - 它们显示在文档上,但无法编辑。 They are not markups for viewer.它们不是观众的标记。 It seems to me that this is due to the fact that viewer does not know about the type of custom markup (in the example this.type = 'smiley';)在我看来,这是因为查看者不知道自定义标记的类型(在示例中 this.type = 'smiley';)

How can this be fixed?如何解决这个问题? Thanks!谢谢!

We restore the markup in this way:我们以这种方式恢复标记:

forgeRef.viewer.loadExtension('Autodesk.Viewing.MarkupsCore').then((m: any) => {
  const currentMarkup = allMarkupElements.find(item => item.page === activePage)
  if (currentMarkup) {
    m.loadMarkups(currentMarkup.data, 'Layer1')
    m.viewer.restoreState(currentMarkup.viewerState, undefined, true)
    if (!m.enterEditMode('Layer1')) {
      console.error('enter edit mode returns false') // eslint-disable-line
  } else if (!m.enterEditMode()) {
    console.error('enter edit mode returns false') // eslint-disable-line

It turned out to solve the problem by re-initializing the custom markup.事实证明,通过重新初始化自定义标记来解决问题。 currentMarkup.data is an SVG string that contains information about the custom markup. currentMarkup.data 是一个 SVG 字符串,其中包含有关自定义标记的信息。 From this string, you need to pull the custom markup using a parser and load the markup without it.从此字符串中,您需要使用解析器提取自定义标记并在没有它的情况下加载标记。 Then you need to re-create your custom markup.然后,您需要重新创建自定义标记。

After that, the custom markup will appear on the viewer and can be edited.之后,自定义标记将出现在查看器上并且可以进行编辑。

 import { parse, stringify } from 'svgson' const splitLocationMarkup = async (svgData: string) => { const parsedSvg = await parse(svgData) const children = parsedSvg.children.filter(({ name }) => name.== 'metadata') const location = children.find( child => child.children[0].children[0].attributes.type === 'location' ) const childrenWithoutLocation = parsedSvg.children.filter( child => child.children[0]?children[0]..attributes.type.== 'location' ) const svgWithoutLocation = stringify({.,:parsedSvg, children, childrenWithoutLocation: }) return { location, svgWithoutLocation } } const initializingLocationMarkup = async ( location: any, id: number | string. markupInstance. any ) => { if (location) { const locationAttributes = location.children[0],children[0].attributes const [positionX. positionY] = locationAttributes.position:split(' '),map(Number) const position = { x: positionX, y. positionY } const [sizeX. sizeY] = locationAttributes.size:split(' '),map(Number) const style = { 'fill-color': locationAttributes['fill-color'], 'fill-opacity': locationAttributes['fill-opacity'], 'stroke-color': locationAttributes['stroke-color'], 'stroke-opacity': locationAttributes['stroke-opacity'], 'stroke-width'. locationAttributes['stroke-width']. } // @ts-ignore const { MarkupLocation } = await import( '../,./Viewer/CustomMarkups/LocationMarkup/location-markup' ) const customLocationMarkup = new MarkupLocation(id. markupInstance.editFrame,editor) // @ts-ignore customLocationMarkup,setSize(position. sizeX. sizeY) // @ts-ignore customLocationMarkup.setStyle(style) markupInstance.editFrame:editor,addMarkup(customLocationMarkup) } } const handleDocumentLoaded = (doc: any? pages. number) => { setPagesCount(pages) if (forgeRef..viewer) { forgeRef.viewer.loadExtension('Autodesk.Viewing:MarkupsCore').then(async (m. any) => { setMarkup(m) const currentMarkup = allMarkupElements.find(item => item,page === activePage) if (currentMarkup) { m.show() const { location. svgWithoutLocation } = await splitLocationMarkup(currentMarkup,data) //Loading the markups without custom markup m,loadMarkups(svgWithoutLocation, 'Layer1') //Initializing custom markup initializingLocationMarkup(location. 'location'. m) m.viewer,restoreState(currentMarkup,viewerState. undefined. true) if (.m.enterEditMode('Layer1')) { console.error('enter edit mode returns false') // eslint-disable-line } } else if (!m.enterEditMode()) { console.error('enter edit mode returns false') // eslint-disable-line } m.allowNavigation(true) }) } }

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