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是否可以在项目收据的库存明细子记录中有一个自定义字段? 网络套件

[英]Is it possible to have a custom field in Inventory Detail subrecord on Item Receipt? NETSUITE

Just like expiration date on inventory number subrecord on Item Receipt, can we have a custom field for manufacturing date in inventory number subrecord.就像物料收据上库存编号子记录的到期日期一样,我们是否可以在库存编号子记录中为制造日期设置自定义字段。 Is there any feature need to be enabled?是否需要启用任何功能? Does NetSuite have any functionality of Production/Manufacturing date? NetSuite 是否具有生产/制造日期的任何功能? or any way to create a custom field in inventory number subrecord that is visible in IR subrecord?或以任何方式在 IR 子记录中可见的库存编号子记录中创建自定义字段?

As far as I am aware, it is not possible to add a custom field to the inventory detail subrecord.据我所知,无法向库存详细信息子记录添加自定义字段。 Checking the CUSTOMISATION > LIST, RECORDS & FIELDS NS menu (using the administrator role), this sub-record is not available.检查 CUSTOMIZATION > LIST, RECORDS & FIELDS NS 菜单(使用管理员角色),此子记录不可用。 I have, however, in the past re-created the subrecord using a Suitelet and a saved search which auto-populates the item lines with additional columns.但是,我过去曾使用 Suitelet 和保存的搜索重新创建子记录,该搜索会使用其他列自动填充项目行。 Perhaps this route is a potential solution for you too.也许这条路线对您来说也是一个潜在的解决方案。

I have recently encountered this in an implementation.我最近在一个实现中遇到了这个。 We were requested to add the Gross Weight and Net Weight fields in the Inventory Details window.我们被要求在库存详细信息 window 中添加毛重和净重字段。

We used a SuiteApp called Lot Auto Number (Answer ID: 100706).我们使用了一个名为 Lot Auto Number 的 SuiteApp(答案 ID:100706)。

Could you add a column to the inventory detail subrecord?您能否在库存明细子记录中添加一列? i need to do it also,But I can not find a way If you succeeded, I would love to hear the solution我也需要这样做,但我找不到方法如果你成功了,我很想听听解决方案

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