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如何在 litespeed WordPress 插件中创建自定义 Vary 组?

[英]How to create custom Vary group in litespeed WordPress plugin?

I am trying to create custom Vary group (ESI) based on user capability instead of role in my wordpress website.我正在尝试根据用户功能而不是我的 wordpress 网站中的角色创建自定义 Vary 组 (ESI)。 Please help if anyone have solution to customize it.如果有人有解决方案来定制它,请提供帮助。

you need to use other plugin, like role editor, to create different roles first, and then set them to different varies in ESI您需要使用其他插件,例如角色编辑器,先创建不同的角色,然后在 ESI 中将它们设置为不同的变量

Or if you want to code on your own, you may refer to this: https://github.com/litespeedtech/lscache_wp/blob/master/src/vary.cls.php#L416或者如果你想自己编码,你可以参考这个: https://github.com/litespeedtech/lscache_wp/blob/master/src/vary.cls.php#L416

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