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[英]How do I change the Adaptive card once the user input is submitted?

Though there were few questions regarding the similar, I don't see any working solution.尽管关于类似的问题很少,但我没有看到任何可行的解决方案。

I am working on a BOT for a feedback.我正在开发 BOT 以获得反馈。 Currently the user is able to send multiple responses by clicking on the options provided in the adaptive card.目前,用户可以通过单击自适应卡中提供的选项来发送多个响应。 I am trying to replace the adaptive card with a plain adaptive card that just has some plain text like, "You have chosen option 3".我正在尝试将自适应卡替换为仅包含一些纯文本的普通自适应卡,例如“您选择了选项 3”。

The following from the link provided above helps in resolving the same.上面提供的链接中的以下内容有助于解决同样的问题。

var activity = MessageFactory.Attachment(card.ToAttachment());
activity.Id = turnContext.Activity.ReplyToId;
await turnContext.UpdateActivityAsync(activity, cancellationToken);

We went with just deleting the card & sending a default response once user submits as that was enough.我们只删除了卡片并在用户提交后发送默认响应就足够了。

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