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[英]DJI Simulator and DJI SDK

So I wanted to begin running some tests, the DJI Assistant simulator is very basic, the landscape is completely flat.所以我想开始运行一些测试,DJI Assistant 模拟器非常基础,景观完全平坦。 I will be handling elevation monitoring programmatically so a less uniform landscape would be valuable.我将以编程方式处理海拔监测,因此不太统一的景观将很有价值。

I noticed DJI has a simulator with landscapes etc.. something closer to real life, my question is can I run the DJI SDK based program in the simulator?我注意到 DJI 有一个带有风景等的模拟器。一些更接近现实生活的东西,我的问题是我可以在模拟器中运行基于 DJI SDK 的程序吗?

if so how?如果是这样怎么办?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.对此的任何帮助将不胜感激。 Alternative methods for testing this with the exception of real life flights would be helpful.除了现实生活中的飞行之外,用于测试这一点的替代方法会有所帮助。

thank you in advance.先感谢您。

You could do this with the DJISimulator class in conjunction with Google Maps to show the drone's location on a map (DJIFlightControllerState.aircraftLocation) along with an Elevation API to adjust the waypoint altitudes in your flight plan to create a flight plan that is more or less terrain aware. You could do this with the DJISimulator class in conjunction with Google Maps to show the drone's location on a map (DJIFlightControllerState.aircraftLocation) along with an Elevation API to adjust the waypoint altitudes in your flight plan to create a flight plan that is more or less地形意识。

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