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如何将字符串数字解析为浮点数 python

[英]How can I parse a string number to a float python

from excel I have a number in the following type: "22.024.833,02 ", so I've been trying.strip(), .replace() among others but I couldn't get a float from my code.来自 excel 我有一个以下类型的数字:“22.024.833,02”,所以我一直在尝试.strip()、.replace() 等,但我无法从我的代码中获得浮点数。

for columna, fila in mav.iterrows():
    comitente = fila['Comit.']
    moneda = fila['Especie']
    m = fila['Operado'].strip()
    m2 = m.replace('.', '')
    monto = float(m2)

Result: monto = float(m2) ValueError: could not convert string to float: '22024833,02'结果:monto = float(m2) ValueError: could not convert string to float: '22024833,02'

My answer is assuming you're using .我的回答是假设你正在使用. for digit separator and , for the decimal point.用于数字分隔符, ,用于小数点。

m = fila['Operado'].strip()    # m = "22.024.833,02"
m = m.replace('.', '')         # m = "22024833,02"
m = m.replace(',', '.')        # m = "22024833.02"
monto = float(m)               # monto = 22024833.02

Python's float expects no digit separator (the . in your example), and the decimal point to be a . Python 的float不需要数字分隔符(示例中的. ),小数点为. (not a , as in your input). (不是 a ,如您的输入)。

I think this is what you are looking for我想这就是你要找的

m = float(fila['Operado'].strip().replace(".","").replace(",","."))

Its better to use .它更好地使用. for decimal places and , for the whole number part.对于小数位,对于整数部分。

You can try this:你可以试试这个:

for columna, fila in mav.iterrows():
    comitente = fila['Comit.']
    moneda = fila['Especie']
    m = fila['Operado'].strip()
    m2 = m.replace('.', '').replace(',', '.')
    monto = float(m2)

More compact solution:更紧凑的解决方案:

for columna, fila in mav.iterrows():
    comitente = fila['Comit.']
    moneda = fila['Especie']
    monto = float(fila['Operado'].strip().replace('.', '').replace(',', '.'))

In Python you should use .在 Python 中,您应该使用. instead of , as decimal separator.而不是,作为小数分隔符。

good_float = 1.44
not_a_float = 1,22 # This will be stored as a tuple

If your input string is written with , as decimal separator, you can use String.replace() method.如果您的输入字符串使用,作为小数分隔符,您可以使用String.replace()方法。

>>> '3,14'.replace(',', '.')

If you are also using .如果你也在使用. as digit separator, you can replace it with the same method.作为数字分隔符,您可以用相同的方法替换它。

>>> '1.203,14'.replace('.', ' ').replace(',', '.')

Then you can finely convert the string to a float using the float built-in function.然后,您可以使用内置的float function 将字符串精细地转换为浮点数。

>>> float('3,14'.replace('.', ' ').replace(',', '.'))

Remember to always write .replace('.', ' ') before .replace(',', '.') to avoid a mess with periods.请记住始终在.replace(',', '.') .replace('.', ' ') ') 以避免与句号混淆。

Your code should work now:您的代码现在应该可以工作了:

>>> float(fila['Operado'].strip().replace('.', ' ').replace(',', '.'))

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