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Visual Studio Code 上 Java 的问题

[英]Problems with Java on Visual Studio Code

I only have a Raspberry Pi to practice, and Visual Studio Code runs smoothly on it for many languages I've tried, but I can't seem to run Java on it.我只有一个 Raspberry Pi 可以练习,Visual Studio Code 可以在我尝试过的许多语言上顺利运行,但我似乎无法在其上运行 Java。 I installed the Extension Pack for Java, but when I create a Java Project and try to run it, the Debugger keeps loading and doesn't start at all.我安装了 Java 的扩展包,但是当我创建 Java 项目并尝试运行它时,调试器一直在加载并且根本无法启动。 I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the Extension Pack and the Debugger, but without success.我尝试卸载/重新安装扩展包和调试器,但没有成功。 I know the solution might be obvious, but I tried googling it and found nothing.我知道解决方案可能很明显,但我尝试用谷歌搜索它并没有发现任何东西。

Found out that the latest version of the extension "Language Support for Java by RedHat" wasn't working properly on my VSCode.发现最新版本的扩展“RedHat 对 Java 的语言支持”在我的 VSCode 上无法正常工作。 I installed version 1.0.0 and it loaded everything and now I can run Java smoothly.我安装了 1.0.0 版本并加载了所有内容,现在我可以顺利运行 Java。

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