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我如何才能像事件一样使用 Firebase 访问 DataSnapshot,只有没有事件? 所以我只想从孩子那里读出数据

[英]How can I access DataSnapshot with Firebase like an event, only without an event? So I just want to read out data form a child

How can I access DataSnapshot with Firebase like an event, only without an event?我如何才能像事件一样使用 Firebase 访问 DataSnapshot,只有没有事件? So I just want to read out data.所以我只想读出数据。 But in the form of the data snapshot但是以数据快照的形式

So in the app I access with mFirebaseRef.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {... } to the database. But if I want to read out data when starting the app, I don't have the functions from the above example.因此,在应用程序中,我使用mFirebaseRef.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { @Override public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {... }访问数据库。但是如果我想在启动应用程序时读出数据,我不会t 具有上述示例中的功能。

Use get()使用 get()

Comment from Jay: I think you're asking how to Read Data Once which uses get() and does not throw an event.杰伊的评论:我想你是在问如何使用 get() 并且不引发事件的读取数据一次。 was right是正确的


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