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自引用/父子关系一对零或 Entity Framework Core 中的一对

[英]Self referencing / parent-child relationship one-to-zero or one in Entity Framework Core

I want to create a referencing / parent-child relationship one-to-zero or one in Entity Framework Core.我想在 Entity Framework Core 中创建一对零或一对的引用/父子关系。 I mean that my entity could have a parent:我的意思是我的实体可能有一个父母:

public class MyEntity
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

    public Guid? ParentEntityId { get; set; }
    public MyEntity ParentEntity { get; set; }

    public MyEntity ChildEntity { get; set; }

I am trying to configure it via fluent api:我正在尝试通过流利的 api 对其进行配置:

entity.HasOne(x => x.ParentEntity)
    .WithOne(x => x.ChildEntity)
    .HasForeignKey( .... )

I do not understand what I do have to write in the last line.我不明白我必须在最后一行写什么。 I am not either sure my entity is correct.我也不确定我的实体是否正确。

Can anyone help me please?任何人都可以帮助我吗?

EDIT : This question does not resolve my problem: Self referencing / parent-child relationship in Entity Framework My problem is about create the foreign key.编辑:这个问题不能解决我的问题: 实体框架中的自引用/父子关系我的问题是关于创建外键。 This line does not work:此行不起作用:

.HasForeignKey(x => x.ParentEntityId)

HasForeignKey expects a string in input. HasForeignKey需要输入字符串。

In a one-to-one relationship you always have to specify the dependent entity type in the HasForeignKey call, ie the entity that will contain the foreign key.在一对一的关系中,您始终必须在HasForeignKey调用中指定依赖实体类型,即包含外键的实体。 For a one-to-one relationship between two different classes that makes sense, see the standard EF example .有关两个不同类之间有意义的一对一关系,请参阅标准 EF 示例 For a self-reference it looks obvious that EF should figure out there's no option.对于自我参考,显然 EF 应该弄清楚没有选择。 Still, you have to specify the type:不过,您必须指定类型:

    .HasOne(x => x.ParentEntity)
    .WithOne(x => x.ChildEntity)
    .HasForeignKey<MyEntity>(c => c.ParentEntityId);

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