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Ajax 后(模型绑定)将 null 传递到 controller

[英]Ajax Post (Model binded) passing null to the controller

I am making an AJAX POST request to the controller (ASP.NET Core MVC), yet the value for the parameter is coming through as null.我正在向 controller(ASP.NET Core MVC)发出 AJAX POST 请求,但参数的值是 null。 I tried several solutions given on StackOverflow.我尝试了 StackOverflow 上给出的几种解决方案。 But, I couldn't correct it.但是,我无法纠正它。 Please help.请帮忙。

My view collects class fees information.我的观点收集 class 费用信息。 There may have more than one payment.可能有不止一项付款。

$(function () {
           $('#sendSlip').click(function (e) {
               let fees = new Array(); //To store payment info
               let tb = $('#feesTable:eq(0) tbody');
//Collecting info of each payment
               tb.find("tr").each(function () {
                   let row = $(this);
                   let fee = {};
                   if (row.find('input:checkbox:first').is(':checked')) {
                       fee.ClassId = row.find("TD").eq(0).html();
                       fee.FeeId = row.find("TD").eq(1).html();
                       fee.Amount = row.find(".fee").html();
                       fee.Month = row.find(".month").html();
//Arranging data to send to controller
               var data = { 
                   fees: fees,
                   Bank: $(".bank").val(),
                   PaidAmount : $(".amount").val(),
                   PaidDate : $(".date").val()
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: '@Url.Action("StudentPayment_Create", "StudentPayment")',
                    contentType: "application/json",
                    headers: { 'RequestVerificationToken': gettoken() },
                    data: //{ data: JSON.stringify(data) },
                    JSON.stringify(data) ,

Model Model

public class StudentPaymentSlipVM
    public StudentPaymentPaidClassVM fees { get; set; }
    public string Bank { get; set; }
    public DateTime PaidDate { get; set; }
    public int PaidAmount { get; set; }

Controller Controller

public ActionResult StudentPayment_Create([FromBody] List<StudentPaymentSlipVM> data)

Object details at runtime Object 运行时详细信息在此处输入图像描述

From your attached screenshot for data to be passed to the controller, the data's structure was unmatched with the data model the controller expected.从您附加的要传递到 controller 的数据的屏幕截图中,数据的结构与预期的 controller 的数据 model 不匹配。

Assume the data structure for the front-end is correct .假设前端的数据结构是正确的

Controller should expect that the received data is a StudentPaymentSlipVM object . Controller 应该期望收到的数据是StudentPaymentSlipVM object While in the StudentPaymentSlipVM object, the fees is a StudentPaymentPaidClassVM array .StudentPaymentSlipVM object 中, feesStudentPaymentPaidClassVM数组

Model Model

public class StudentPaymentSlipVM
    public List<StudentPaymentPaidClassVM> fees { get; set; }
    public string Bank { get; set; }
    public DateTime PaidDate { get; set; }
    public int PaidAmount { get; set; }

Controller Controller

public ActionResult StudentPayment_Create([FromBody] StudentPaymentSlipVM data)


While from your JQuery part, make sure that your data object to be passed to API must be matched with the data type as your model in the back-end. While from your JQuery part, make sure that your data object to be passed to API must be matched with the data type as your model in the back-end.

var data = { 
    fees: fees,
    Bank: $(".bank").val(),
    PaidAmount : parseInt($(".amount").val()),
    PaidDate : $(".date").val()

I tried to pass my data to controller by binding to a ViewModel (StudentPaymentSlipVM) which has all required definitions.我试图通过绑定到具有所有必需定义的 ViewModel (StudentPaymentSlipVM) 将我的数据传递给 controller。 But I couldn't do it.但我做不到。 So I changed the way and pass my object to Controller as following way now it is working.所以我改变了方式并将我的 object 传递给 Controller 如下方式现在它正在工作。 And also I would like to thanks Yong Shun.我还要感谢永顺。

  1. Changed the JQuery code更改了 JQuery 代码
                     type: 'POST',
                     url: '@Url.Action("action", "controller")',                    
                     headers: { 'RequestVerificationToken': gettoken() },
                     data: dataObj,
  1. I changed the Controller我改变了 Controller
        public ActionResult StudentPayment_Create(List<StudentPaymentPaidClassVM> Fees,  string Bank, decimal PaidAmount, DateTime PaidDate)

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