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android 工作室遇到一些麻烦可能有一个简单的答案

[英]Having some trouble with android studio probably has a simple answer

I'm trying to install android studio, but while I was installing it I got this exception Image of Exception my question is what is the Android Emulator Hypervisor?我正在尝试安装 android 工作室,但是在安装它时我得到了这个异常图像异常我的问题是什么是 Android 仿真器管理程序? what does it do or enable me to do?它做什么或使我能够做什么? I tried looking it up online but I kept getting into these rabbit holes of information that kept expanding and expanding.我尝试在网上查找它,但我不断地进入这些不断扩大和扩大的信息兔子洞。 I just want a concise answer for my small brain and maybe a quick and clear explanation to fix this.我只想为我的小脑袋提供一个简明的答案,也许还有一个快速而清晰的解释来解决这个问题。

The emulator essentially creates virtual machines running specific Android versions in order to run your apps.模拟器本质上是创建运行特定 Android 版本的虚拟机,以运行您的应用程序。 The Hypervisor driver is something that can help a lot with performance. Hypervisor 驱动程序对性能有很大帮助。 If you want to check out the details, this documentation page might be a good start.如果您想查看详细信息,此文档页面可能是一个好的开始。

To fix your installation issue you only need to follow the link given in your error message, there's not much need to understand hypervisor workings.要解决您的安装问题,您只需按照错误消息中给出的链接进行操作,无需了解管理程序的工作原理。

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