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Python re.findall 预期字符串

[英]Python re.findall expected string

I want to search for a word in my string with re.findall .我想用re.findall在我的字符串中搜索一个单词。 The Code is the following:代码如下:

def check_status():
   p1 = subprocess.run(["screen", "-ls"], shell=False)
   p2 = re.findall("myscreen", p1)

The return from p1 looks like this: p1的返回如下所示:

There are screens on:
    2420454.myscreen        (12/25/2021 01:15:17 PM)        (Detached)
    6066.bot                (12/14/2021 07:11:52 PM)        (Detached)

If I execute this function, I get the following error message:如果我执行此 function,我会收到以下错误消息:

File "/usr/lib/python3.10/re.py", line 240, in findall
return _compile(pattern, flags).findall(string)
TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object

I searched for this problem already but found nothing.我已经搜索过这个问题,但一无所获。

I'm using Python 3.10我正在使用 Python 3.10

subprocess.run returns a CompletedProcess object. subprocess.run返回CompletedProcess object。 You want to add capture_output=True to the keyword arguments, and apply the regular expression to its stdout member:您想将capture_output=True添加到关键字 arguments,并将正则表达式应用于其stdout成员:

p2 = re.findall('myprocess', p1.stdout)

.. though of course. ..当然。 you don't need a regular expression to look for a static string:您不需要正则表达式来查找 static 字符串:

p2 = 'myprocess' in p1.stdout

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