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IDEA IDE:文本 cursor 在“全选”后移动

[英]IDEA IDE: Text cursor movement after "select all"

I use IDEA IDE (PhpStorm).我使用 IDEA IDE (PhpStorm)。 My regular pattern of keyboard actions is " Ctrl+A , Ctrl+Alt+L , ARROW_KEY " to auto format code in the editor then to remove selection.我的常规键盘操作模式是“ Ctrl+ACtrl+Alt+LARROW_KEY ”在编辑器中自动格式化代码,然后删除选择。 Some time ago I just pressed any arrow key to move text cursor to one position and to remove selection.前段时间我只是按任意箭头键将文本 cursor 移动到一个 position 并删除选择。 Text cursor was moved to one position relative to position where cursor was before I pressed Ctrl+A .文本 cursor 被移动到一个 position 相对于 position ,其中 Z1791A97A8403730EE90760489A Ctrl+A键之前。

But now cursor jumps to begin of selection ( left or top arrow key) or to the end ( right or down arrow key).但是现在 cursor 跳到选择的开始( lefttop箭头键)或结束( rightdown箭头键)。 It means jump to the first character of the code or to the last character.这意味着跳转到代码的第一个字符或最后一个字符。 It is very uncomfortable, I need to use touchpad/mouse to remove selection and to stay on the same code fragment.这很不舒服,我需要使用触摸板/鼠标来删除选择并保持在同一个代码片段上。

Is it possible to configure this behaviour (cursor movement for "all is selected" case) in IDEA settings?是否可以在 IDEA 设置中配置此行为(“全部选中”情况下的光标移动)?

You can set editor.action.caretMovement.UpDownIgnoreSelectionBoundaries=true option in idea.properties IntelliJ platform properties file.您可以在idea.properties IntelliJ 平台属性文件中设置editor.action.caretMovement.UpDownIgnoreSelectionBoundaries=true选项。 Then on Up/Down keys caret will navigate to up/down line.然后在上/下键插入符号将导航到上/下线。

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