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有修改器可以改变SwiftUI Picker的label颜色吗?

[英]Is there a modifier to change the label color of SwiftUI Picker?

I want to change the label color of SwiftUI Picker from blue to black, tried .foregroundColor(.black) and .tint(.black) , but the color remains blue.我想将SwiftUI Picker的 label 颜色从蓝色更改为黑色,尝试.foregroundColor(.black).tint(.black) ,但颜色仍然是蓝色。

@State var privacy = Privacy.open
enum Privacy: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable {
    case open = "Open"
    case closed = "Closed"
    var id: String {
var body: some View {
    Picker("privacy", selection: $privacy) {
        ForEach(Privacy.allCases) { value in

I tried foregroundStyle and accentColor and only accentColor worked.我尝试了foregroundStyleaccentColor并且只有accentColor有效。 It does have a future deprecation warning, but you should be able to use it for now.它确实有一个未来的弃用警告,但你现在应该可以使用它。


As the other user has mentioned, .accentColor(.orange) works, but has a depreciation warning.正如其他用户提到的, .accentColor(.orange)有效,但有折旧警告。

Using .tint(.orange) does not have this warning and will color the picker text.使用.tint(.orange)没有此警告,并且将为选择器文本着色。

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