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[英]Flutter : add a space between title and subtitle in ListTile

How can I add a space between title and subtitle in ListTile ?如何在ListTiletitlesubtitle之间添加空格?

 title: Text(" xxxxxxxx"),
 subtitle: Text("From: to"),
          title: Padding(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 10.0),
            child:  Text(" xxxxxxxx"),,
          subtitle:Text("From: to"),

You can wrap your Text widget of title into Padding widget and pass padding bottom of your desired gap like below:您可以将titleText小部件包装到Padding小部件中,并传递所需间隙的padding bottom ,如下所示:

          title: Padding(
            padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 15.0),
            child: Text("title"),
          subtitle: Text("Subtitle"),

You can use SizedBox widget with it's height property also between your title and subtitle .您也可以在titlesubtitle之间使用具有height属性的SizedBox小部件。

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