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在我的 F# 应用程序中实例化 WebBrowser 控件时出现异常

[英]I get an exception when I instantiate a WebBrowser Control in my F# app

I am trying to instantiate a WebBrowser control within my F# application:我正在尝试在我的 F# 应用程序中实例化 WebBrowser 控件:

open System;;
open System.Net.Http;;
open System.Windows.Forms;;
let browser =
    new WebBrowser(ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true,
                   Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
                   DocumentText = fsharpOrg.Result)

But I get this exception:但我得到了这个例外:

System.IO.FileLoadException: **Could not load file or assembly 'System.Drawing.Common**, Version=,...

I am using dotnet sdk version 6.0.100.我正在使用 dotnet sdk 版本 6.0.100。 I have searched for answers or similar problems in forums and documentation, but I have not found something that can lead me to the fix.我在论坛和文档中搜索了答案或类似问题,但我没有找到可以引导我解决问题的东西。 Any insight we'll be appreciated.我们将不胜感激任何见解。

Don't use #r in code, use it only in script files.不要在代码中使用#r ,只在脚本文件中使用。

Error occurs because runtime tries to find System.Drawing.Common inside output folder, eg bin/debug/net6.0/ , but not in C:/Program Files/dotnet/shared/...发生错误是因为运行时试图在 output 文件夹中找到System.Drawing.Common ,例如bin/debug/net6.0/ ,但不在C:/Program Files/dotnet/shared/...

To fix error you should:要修复错误,您应该:

  1. create project file,创建项目文件,
  2. add <UseWindowsForms>true</UseWindowsForms> into <PropertyGroup> , so project will look like this:<UseWindowsForms>true</UseWindowsForms>添加到<PropertyGroup>中,因此项目将如下所示:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.Net.SDK">
    <UseWindowsForms>true</UseWindowsForms> <!-- all magic in this line -->

    <Compile Include="Program.fs" />
  1. MSBuild will resolve all necessary references and you will be able to run program MSBuild 将解析所有必要的引用,您将能够运行程序

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