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TypeScript 无法正确获取 object 的元素类型

[英]TypeScript fails to get the type of the elements of an object correctly

I am developing a React Native project with Expo.我正在使用 Expo 开发一个 React Native 项目。 I have defined a function called setRoleColors that sets some colors based on the variable role.我已经定义了一个名为setRoleColors的 function,它根据变量角色设置一些 colors。

export const setRoleColors = (role: string) => {
  switch (role) {
    case "student":
      return { backgroundColor: Color.maroon.dark, color: "#fff" };
    case "moderator":
      return { backgroundColor:"#00ff00", color: "#000"};
    case "user":
      return { backgroundColor:"#0000ff", color: "#fff";

I import the function setRoleColors into a component called UserRole .我将 function setRoleColors导入到名为UserRole的组件中。

import React from "react";
import { Text, View } from "react-native";

import { setRoleColors } from "../../services/SetRoleColors";

import styles from "./styles";

const UserRole: React.FC<{ role: string }> = ({ role }) => {
  const { backgroundColor, color } = setRoleColors(role);

  return (
    <View style={{ ...styles.roleContainer, backgroundColor }}>
      <Text style={{ ...styles.roleText, color }}>{role}</Text>

Now, everything works perfectly fine, however VS Code underlines the two variables backgroundcolor and color in the line const { backgroundColor, color } = setRoleColors(role);现在,一切正常,但是 VS Code 在const { backgroundColor, color } = setRoleColors(role);行中强调了两个变量backgroundcolorcolor and when I hover over them it shows a message telling me the following:当我对它们进行 hover 时,它会显示一条消息,告诉我以下内容:

Property 'backgroundColor' does not exist on type'{backgroundColor: string; color: string} | undefined
Property 'color' does not exist on type'{backgroundColor: string; color: string} | undefined 

Look at your setRoleColors :看看你的setRoleColors

export const setRoleColors = (role: string) => {
  switch (role) {
    case "student":
      return { backgroundColor: Color.maroon.dark, color: "#fff" };
    case "moderator":
      return { backgroundColor:"#00ff00", color: "#000"};
    case "user":
      return { backgroundColor:"#0000ff", color: "#fff";

If you think about it, it's pretty clear why it might not return an object with a backgroundColor etc property - if role is neither student , nor moderator , nor user .如果您考虑一下,很清楚为什么它可能不会返回带有backgroundColor等属性的 object - 如果role既不是student ,也不是moderator ,也不是user That's what TypeScript is warning you about.这就是 TypeScript 警告您的内容。

If you want to indicate that those are the only possible roles, you should make a type for those roles, and indicate that type for role instead of a string.如果您想指出这些是唯一可能的角色,您应该为这些角色创建一个类型,并为role而不是字符串指明类型。

You could also consider using if / else instead of switch .您也可以考虑使用if / else代替switch

type Role = 'student' | 'moderator' | 'user';
export const setRoleColors = (role: Role) => {
    if (role === 'student') {
        return { backgroundColor: Color.maroon.dark, color: "#fff" };
    } else if (role === 'moderator') {
        return { backgroundColor:"#00ff00", color: "#000"};
    } else {
        return { backgroundColor:"#0000ff", color: "#fff";

You'll also need to change UserRole to indicate that the role should be a Role, and not just a string.您还需要更改UserRole以指示该角色应该是一个角色,而不仅仅是一个字符串。

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