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[英]Phaser, Image Replaced By Green Square, No Errors, JS

I followed many Phaser tutorials online with precision, and made sure the path to the image is adequate, yet I find myself stuck with a green square with a dash across it in place for my image green square .我在网上精确地遵循了许多 Phaser 教程,并确保图像的路径是足够的,但我发现自己被一个绿色方块卡住了,我的图像绿色方块在它上面有一个破折号。

I have suspicions that perhaps it's the way I have my testing server set up, I am using parcel for this.我怀疑这可能是我设置测试服务器的方式,我为此使用包裹。 I've tried many implementations of loading images using Phaser's preLoad() function, but even the simplest one this.load.image('testing','../../assets/user/body/moveRightAtlas.png');我已经尝试了许多使用 Phaser 的 preLoad() function 加载图像的实现,但即使是最简单的this.load.image('testing','../../assets/user/body/moveRightAtlas.png'); (in preLoad) and var testing=this.add.sprite(400,400,'testing'); (在预加载中)和var testing=this.add.sprite(400,400,'testing'); (in create) still prints the square. (在创建中)仍然打印正方形。 For the path, I've tried absolute path and still does not work.对于路径,我尝试了绝对路径,但仍然无法正常工作。 Here is how my directories are set up.这是我的目录的设置方式。 directories .目录 My question is, what am I doing incorrect?我的问题是,我做错了什么? I'm an absolute noob in Phaser, so any help is deeply appreciated, thanks.我是 Phaser 中的绝对菜鸟,因此非常感谢任何帮助,谢谢。

(EDIT: for the directories screenshot I accidently said moveRight0, I meant moveRightAtlas.png) (编辑:对于我不小心说moveRight0的目录截图,我的意思是moveRightAtlas.png)

After reading more, it seems that the image exists but the web server I am using to test the game can't seem to load it.阅读更多后,似乎图像存在,但我用来测试游戏的 web 服务器似乎无法加载它。 So the issue is likely on the webserver.所以问题很可能出在网络服务器上。 I am using parcel.我正在使用包裹。

The path should be relative to the HTML file.该路径应相对于 HTML 文件。 so probably:所以可能:


You should probably move the assets directory inside your src and then go from there.您可能应该在您的src中移动资产目录,然后从那里移动 go。

Here's how this samme's repository for a working parcel setup is doing the imports: 这是用于工作包裹设置的 samme 存储库如何进行导入:

    import images from './assets/*.png';
    this.load.image('space', images.space);

In your case it'd probably be something like:在你的情况下,它可能是这样的:

     import moveRightAtlas from './assets/user/body/moveRightAtlas.png'; 
     this.load.image('testing', moveRightAtlas);

Check also its README for a plugin to copy the assets.还要检查其 README 以获取用于复制资产的插件。

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