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允许访问命名空间之外的 class 的受保护成员 function

[英]Allowing access to protected member function for class outside of namespace

Consider the following code:考虑以下代码:

namespace A
  class B
    friend class C;
    static void foo();

class C
  C() { A::B::foo(); }

int main()
  C c;
  return 0;

As currently constructed, this code will not compile - the friendship declared in class B applies to a (currently non-existent) A::C , and not the C in the global namespace.按照当前的构造,此代码将无法编译 - 在class B中声明的友谊适用于(当前不存在的) A::C ,而不是全局命名空间中的C How can I work around this effectively, assuming I cannot add C to non-global namespace?假设我无法将C添加到非全局命名空间,我该如何有效地解决这个问题? I have tried using friend class::C;我试过用friend class::C; , but the compiler does not like that. ,但编译器不喜欢这样。 I have also tried forward declaring class C;我也尝试过向前声明class C; before the namespace A scope, but that does not appear to work either.namespace A scope 之前,但这似乎也不起作用。

Adding a forward declaration for class C worked for me, what compiler are you using?为 class C添加前向声明对我有用,您使用的是什么编译器?

class C;

namespace A
  class B
    friend class ::C;
    static void foo();

// ...

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The class C firstly is declared in the class B within namespace A. That is within the namespace A there is introduced the class C due to the elaborated type specifier and there is no previous declaration of the class. The class C firstly is declared in the class B within namespace A. That is within the namespace A there is introduced the class C due to the elaborated type specifier and there is no previous declaration of the class.

The class C declared in the global namespace is a different class.在全局命名空间中声明的 class C 是不同的 class。

You need at first to declare the class C in the global namespace as您首先需要在全局命名空间中将 class C 声明为

class C;
namespace A
    class B
        friend class C;
        static void foo() {
            std::cout << "Hello World!\n";

class C
    C() { A::B::foo(); }

In this case there is no need to use the elaborated type specifier在这种情况下,不需要使用详细的类型说明符

friend class C;

You could just write你可以写

friend C;

Otherwise without the forward declaration of the class C in the global namespace you need to declare the class C in the namespace A like否则,如果在全局命名空间中没有 class C 的前向声明,您需要在命名空间中声明 class Z0D61F8370A411D412F870B

namespace A
    class B
        friend class C;
        static void foo() {
            std::cout << "Hello World!\n";

namespace A
    class C
        C() { B::foo(); }

And in main you need to write主要是你需要写

A::C c;

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