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嗨,我是 React js 的新手,你能帮我把这个 class 组件转换为功能组件吗

[英]Hi i am new to React js can you help me convert this class component to functional component

hello this is the code below, how to convert this class component to functional component in React js.您好,这是下面的代码,如何将此 class 组件转换为 React js 中的功能组件。 Hi i am new to React js can you help me convert this class component to functional component.i am trying to create a button which clicked should generate a pdf using jspdf and jspdf autotable嗨,我是 React js 的新手,您能帮我将此 class 组件转换为功能组件吗?我正在尝试创建一个单击的按钮,该按钮应使用 jspdf 和 jspdf 自动表生成 pdf

    import React from 'react';
    import jsPDF from "jspdf";
    import "jspdf-autotable";
    import './App.css';
    class App extends React. Component {
      constructor() {
        this.state = {
          people: [
            { name: "Keanu Reeves", profession: "Actor" },
            { name: "Lionel Messi", profession: "Football Player" },
            { name: "Cristiano Ronaldo", profession: "Football Player" },
            { name: "Jack Nicklaus", profession: "Golf Player" },
      exportPDF = () => {
        const unit = "pt";
        const size = "A4"; // Use A1, A2, A3 or A4
        const orientation = "portrait"; // portrait or landscape
        const marginLeft = 40;
        const doc = new jsPDF(orientation, unit, size);
        const title = "My Awesome Report";
        const headers = [["NAME", "PROFESSION"]];
        const data = this.state.people.map(elt=> [elt.name, elt.profession]);
        let content = {
          startY: 50,
          head: headers,
          body: data
        doc.text(title, marginLeft, 40);
      render() {
        return (
            <button onClick={() => this.exportPDF()}>Generate Report</button>
    export default App;
 import React from 'react';
    import jsPDF from "jspdf";
    import "jspdf-autotable";
    import './App.css';
    const App =()=> {
     const [state,setState] =React.useState {
          people: [
            { name: "Keanu Reeves", profession: "Actor" },
            { name: "Lionel Messi", profession: "Football Player" },
            { name: "Cristiano Ronaldo", profession: "Football Player" },
            { name: "Jack Nicklaus", profession: "Golf Player" },
      const exportPDF = () => {
        const unit = "pt";
        const size = "A4"; // Use A1, A2, A3 or A4
        const orientation = "portrait"; // portrait or landscape
        const marginLeft = 40;
        const doc = new jsPDF(orientation, unit, size);
        const title = "My Awesome Report";
        const headers = [["NAME", "PROFESSION"]];
        const data = state?.people?.map(elt=> [elt.name, elt.profession]);
        let content = {
          startY: 50,
          head: headers,
          body: data
        doc.text(title, marginLeft, 40);
        return (
            <button onClick={exportPDF}>Generate Report</button>
    export default App;

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