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Python 壁虎工具

[英]Python Gekko Tool

I have just started to work with Gekko optimization software.我刚刚开始使用 Gekko 优化软件。 So far, I figured out how to obtain an optimal solution for my problem.到目前为止,我想出了如何为我的问题获得最佳解决方案。 But I am not sure if it is possible to see all possible results, which satisfy the constraint?但我不确定是否有可能看到满足约束的所有可能结果? (not only the optimal value). (不仅是最优值)。 The problem is that for my particular task, I need to do optimization multiple times and despite the optimal values being optimal at one point, the optimal sequence of decisions might be different over time.问题是,对于我的特定任务,我需要进行多次优化,尽管最优值在某一点上是最优的,但最优决策顺序可能会随着时间的推移而不同。 I want to check this by creating an MDP.我想通过创建一个 MDP 来检查这一点。 But to do this, I need to know the possible states, which represent all possible values of the variable to be optimized, which satisfy the constraints.但要做到这一点,我需要知道可能的状态,它们表示要优化的变量的所有可能值,它们满足约束条件。 I have not found yet how to do this in Gekko, so maybe somebody had similar issues?我还没有找到如何在 Gekko 中做到这一点,所以也许有人有类似的问题?

Thank you!谢谢!

A contour plot is a nice way to show the optimal solution and all possible feasible solutions.轮廓 plot 是显示最佳解决方案和所有可能可行解决方案的好方法。 Below is an example contour plot for the Tubular Column Design Optimization problem .下面是用于管状柱设计优化问题的示例轮廓 plot。


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
BYU Intro to Optimization. Column design
Contour plot additions by Al Duke 11/30/2019
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

m = GEKKO()

#%% Constants
pi = m.Const(3.14159,'pi')
P = 2300 # compressive load (kg_f)
o_y = 450 # allowable yield stress (kg_f/cm^2)
E = 0.65e6 # elasticity (kg_f/cm^2)
p = 0.0020 # weight density (kg_f/cm^3)
l = 300 # length of the column (cm)

#%% Variables (the design variables available to the solver)
d = m.Var(value=8.0,lb=2.0,ub=14.0) # mean diameter (cm)
t = m.Var(value=0.3,lb=0.2 ,ub=0.8) # thickness (cm)
cost = m.Var()

#%% Intermediates (computed by solver from design variables and constants)
d_i = m.Intermediate(d - t)
d_o = m.Intermediate(d + t)
W = m.Intermediate(p*l*pi*(d_o**2 - d_i**2)/4) # weight (kgf)
o_i = m.Intermediate(P/(pi*d*t)) # induced stress

# second moment of area of the cross section of the column
I = m.Intermediate((pi/64)*(d_o**4 - d_i**4))

# buckling stress (Euler buckling load/cross-sectional area)
o_b = m.Intermediate((pi**2*E*I/l**2)*(1/(pi*d*t)))

#%% Equations (constraints, etc. Cost could be an intermediate variable)
o_i - o_y <= 0,
o_i - o_b <= 0,
cost == 5*W + 2*d

#%% Objective

#%% Solve and print solution
m.options.SOLVER = 1

print('Optimal cost: ' + str(cost[0]))
print('Optimal mean diameter: ' + str(d[0]))
print('Optimal thickness: ' + str(t[0]))

minima = np.array([d[0], t[0]]) 

#%% Contour plot
# create a cost function as a function of the design variables d and t
f = lambda d, t: 2 * d + 5 * p * l * np.pi * ((d+t)**2 - (d-t)**2)/4 

xmin, xmax, xstep = 2, 14, .2 # diameter
ymin, ymax, ystep = .2, .8, .05 # thickness

d, t = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xmin, xmax + xstep, xstep), \
                   np.arange(ymin, ymax + ystep, ystep))
z = f(d, t)

# Determine the compressive stress constraint line. 
#stress = P/(pi*d*t) # induced axial stress
t_stress = np.arange(ymin, ymax, .025) # use finer step to get smoother constraint line
d_stress = []
for tt in t_stress:
    dd = P/(np.pi * tt * o_y)

# Determine buckling constraint line. This is tougher because we cannot
#  solve directly for t from d. Used scipy.optimize.fsolve to find roots 
d_buck = []
t_buck = []
for d3 in np.arange(6, xmax, .005): 
    fb = lambda t : o_y-np.pi**2*E*((d3+t)**4-(d3-t)**4)/(64*l**2*d3*t)
    tr = np.array([0.3])
    roots = fsolve(fb, tr)
    if roots[0] != 0: 
        if roots[0] >= .1 and roots[0]<=1.:

# Create contour plot
plt.style.use('ggplot') # to make prettier plots
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

CS = ax.contour(d, t, z, levels=15,) 
ax.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
ax.set_xlabel('mean diameter $d$')
ax.set_ylabel('half thickness $t$')

ax.set_xlim((xmin, xmax))
ax.set_ylim((ymin, ymax))

# Add constraint lines and optimal marker
ax.plot(d_stress, t_stress, "->", label="Stress constraint")
ax.plot(d_buck, t_buck, "->", label="Buckling constraint" )

minima_ = minima.reshape(-1, 1)
ax.plot(*minima_, 'r*', markersize=18, label="Optimum")
ax.text(10,.25,"Contours = Cost (objective)\nConstraint line markers point\ntowards feasible space.")
plt.title('Column Design')

It is more challenging to include more than 2D but time or a 3D plot can show feasible space as a parameter is changed such as in the Interior Point solution demonstration.包含超过 2D 但时间或 3D plot 可以显示可行空间作为参数更改,例如在 内部点解决方案演示中。


There are many other example problems that demonstrate this approach in the Design Optimization course .设计优化课程中还有许多其他示例问题演示了这种方法。

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