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使用 python 在电报机器人中发送照片

[英]Send photo in telegram bot with python

With this code, I take a screenshot of the screen and save it in memory使用此代码,我截取屏幕截图并将其保存在 memory
I want to send this photo by bot \我想通过机器人发送这张照片 \

import pyscreenshot
def take_pic():
      image = pyscreenshot.grab()
      return image.show()


and bot code is:机器人代码是:

elif number == "??????":
            data = take_pic()

my lib is:我的库是:

from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Update, bot, message, update
from telegram.ext import ( Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler, CallbackContext, InvalidCallbackData, PicklePersistence,filters,BaseFilter )

pyscreenshot is an obsolate library and may not work on some OS. pyscreenshot是一个过时的库,可能无法在某些操作系统上运行。 Please update your post with more details.请更新您的帖子以提供更多详细信息。

Just using the Requests lib you can do it:只需使用 Requests lib,您就可以做到:

def send_photo(chat_id, file_opened):
    method = "sendPhoto"
    params = {'chat_id': chat_id}
    files = {'photo': file_opened}
    resp = requests.post(api_url + method, params, files=files)
    return resp

send_photo(chat_id, open(file_path, 'rb'))

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