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在 VS2022 中找不到 SpecFlow Feature.cs 文件选项

[英]Could not find SpecFlow Feature .cs Files option in - VS2022

I have visual studio 2022 in my machine and I have followed all steps and successfully installed specflow 2.4.1 through manage nuget package.我的机器中有visual studio 2022,我已经按照所有步骤通过管理nuget package成功安装了specflow 2.4.1。 but still specflow option is not displayed under Tools >> Options.Please help me to resolve this.但是在工具>>选项下仍然没有显示specflow选项。请帮我解决这个问题。

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) Version 17.0.4 Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022(64 位)版本 17.0.4

Frame Work -.Net 4.8框架-.Net 4.8

Specflow Version - 2.4.1 Specflow 版本 - 2.4.1


As per the comment by Greg.. the title and the content of your question seem to be asking two different things.根据格雷格的评论。你的问题的标题和内容似乎在问两个不同的问题。

However: if you want to know how to install SpecFlow tooling into Visual Studio 2022 the answer is to install via ExtensionsManager.. Extensions -> Manage Extensions.但是:如果您想知道如何将 SpecFlow 工具安装到 Visual Studio 2022 中,答案是通过 ExtensionsManager.. Extensions -> Manage Extensions 安装。 Search Online for SpecFlow在线搜索 SpecFlow

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