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为什么 AWS 中 Discourse 的二级子域会失败?

[英]Why does secondary subdomain for Discourse in AWS fail?

I have a domain for a public-facing static website that loads fine whether it's entered into the browser as example.com , http://example.com , or https://example.com . I have a domain for a public-facing static website that loads fine whether it's entered into the browser as example.com , http://example.com , or https://example.com .

I have a private (accessible by login) subdomain for a Discourse forum that loads fine whether it's entered into the browser as discourse.example.com , http://discourse.example.com , or https://discourse.example.com . I have a private (accessible by login) subdomain for a Discourse forum that loads fine whether it's entered into the browser as discourse.example.com , http://discourse.example.com , or https://discourse.example.com .

The subdomain for Discourse is achieved by addition of a record to the AWS Route 53 hosted zone: Discourse 的子域是通过向 AWS Route 53 托管区域添加记录来实现的:

Record name: discourse.example.com记录名称:discourse.example.com

Record type: A记录类型:A

Value: 123.45.678.90值:123.45.678.90

Alias: No别名:无

TTL: 300生存时间:300

Routing policy: Simple路由策略:简单

I'd like to provide a shorter alternative/secondary subdomain for Discourse.我想为 Discourse 提供一个较短的替代/辅助子域。 So I added another record, nearly same as the prior, only with the record name changed from discourse.example.com to d.example.com .所以我添加了另一条记录,几乎与之前相同,只是记录名称从discourse.example.com更改为d.example.com

Strangely, this works in HTTP, but in HTTPS the browser warns:奇怪的是,这在 HTTP 中有效,但在 HTTPS 中,浏览器警告:

Your connection is not private你的连接不是私人的

Attackers might be trying to steal your information from d.example.com (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).攻击者可能试图从 d.example.com 窃取您的信息(例如,密码、消息或信用卡)。

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What am I missing?我错过了什么? Should I be going about this a different way?我应该以不同的方式解决这个问题吗?

My AWS Certificate covers example.com and *.example.com .我的 AWS 证书涵盖example.com*.example.com My CloudFront distribution covers example.com and d.example.com .我的 CloudFront 分布涵盖example.comd.example.com I have disabled my Amazon CloudFront cache during this configuration temporarily to ensure that's not a factor.我在此配置期间暂时禁用了我的 Amazon CloudFront 缓存,以确保这不是一个因素。

I found a solution:我找到了一个解决方案:

  • Go to AWS S3 and create a new bucket. Go 到 AWS S3 并创建一个新的存储桶。
  • Name it my desired subdomain ( d.example.com ).将其命名为我想要的子域( d.example.com )。
  • Make it public.公开。
  • Enable static web hosting.启用 static web 托管。
  • Set hosting type to Redirect.将托管类型设置为重定向。
  • Set host name to desired redirect URL ( discourse.example.com ).将主机名设置为所需的重定向 URL ( discourse.example.com )。
  • Note its static website hosting bucket website endpoint for later (looks like http://d.example.com.s3-website.aws-region-2.amazonaws.com ). Note its static website hosting bucket website endpoint for later (looks like http://d.example.com.s3-website.aws-region-2.amazonaws.com ).
  • Go to CloudFront and create a new distribution. Go 到 CloudFront 并创建一个新的分配。
  • Paste the noted endpoint into the origin domain ( do not choose the similar but slightly different option from the dropdown ).将注明的端点粘贴到源域(不要从下拉列表中选择相似但略有不同的选项)。
  • Add alternate/CNAME as desired new subdomain ( d.example.com ).添加备用/CNAME 作为所需的新子域( d.example.com )。
  • Choose existing AWS certificate for SSL.为 SSL 选择现有的 AWS 证书。
  • Go to Route 53, choose the existing hosted zone, and create a new record. Go 到 Route 53,选择现有托管区域,并创建新记录。
  • Leave type as A record.离开类型为 A 记录。
  • Set record name to desired subdomain ( d ).将记录名称设置为所需的子域 ( d )。
  • Change value to Alias.将值更改为别名。
  • Route traffic to CloudFront.将流量路由到 CloudFront。
  • Choose the new distribution from the dropdown.从下拉列表中选择新的分布。
  • Wait a few minutes before attempting to load the new subdomain in the browser.等待几分钟,然后再尝试在浏览器中加载新的子域。

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