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GKE 上的 Prometheus 监控 Strimzi Kafka - 如何获取 Prometheus Pod IP

[英]Prometheus on GKE to monitor Strimzi Kafka - how to get the Prometheus Pod IP

I'm trying to deploy Prometheus on GKE to monitor an existing Strimzi Kafka GKE cluster, and am facing issues.我正在尝试在 GKE 上部署 Prometheus 以监控现有的 Strimzi Kafka GKE 集群,但我正面临问题。 (ref - https://strimzi.io/docs/operators/latest/deploying.html#proc-metrics-deploying-prometheus-operator-str ) (参考 - https://strimzi.io/docs/operators/latest/deploying.html#proc-metrics-deploying-prometheus-operator-str

Here is what is done:这是完成的:

here are the changes:以下是更改:

apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
kind: Kafka
  name: prom-graf #1
    version: 3.0.0
      type: jmxPrometheusExporter
          name: kafka-metrics
          key: kafka-metrics-config.yml 
      type: jmxPrometheusExporter
          name: kafka-metrics
          key: zookeeper-metrics-config.yml    
    entityOperator: #11
    topicOperator: {}
    userOperator: {}
    topicRegex: ".*"
    groupRegex: ".*" 

Command to apply changes to Kafka cluster:将更改应用到 Kafka 集群的命令:

kubectl apply -f kafka-deployment.yaml -n kafka
  1. created the Prometheous operator创建了 Prometheous 运算符
command :
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/prometheus-operator/master/bundle.yaml > bundle.yaml

changed the namespace to 'monitoring' in bundle.yaml and created the Prometheous operator在 bundle.yaml 中将命名空间更改为“监控”并创建 Prometheous 运算符

kubectl create -f bundle.yaml -n monitoring 

Ran the following commands to create the Prometheus & Grafana on GKE: files are the same as in github - https://github.com/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator/tree/0.26.0/examples/metrics , although i've mad the namespace changes运行以下命令在 GKE 上创建 Prometheus 和 Grafana:文件与 github - https://github.com/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator/tree/0.26.0/examples/metrics中的文件相同,尽管 i'我对命名空间的更改感到很疯狂

kubectl apply -f strimzi-pod-monitor.yaml  
(changed namespace to kafka, since kafka is deployed in namespace kafka)
kubectl apply -f prometheus-rules.yaml -n monitoring
kubectl apply -f prometheus.yaml -n monitoring
kubectl apply -f grafana.yaml - monitoring

- created secret from file - prometheus-additional.yaml
kubectl create secret generic additional-scrape-configs --from-file=prometheus-additional.yaml -n monitoring 

When i inspect the object created on namespace - monitoring, here is what is listed:当我检查在命名空间 - 监控上创建的 object 时,列出的内容如下:

Karans-MacBook-Pro:prometheus-yamls karanalang$ kc get all,prometheus -n monitoring
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/grafana-5ccfb68647-55mzk               0/1     Running   0          21s
pod/prometheus-operator-85d84bb848-57lrn   1/1     Running   0          46m

NAME                          TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/grafana               ClusterIP   <none>        3000/TCP   21s
service/prometheus-operator   ClusterIP   None          <none>        8080/TCP   46m

NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/grafana               0/1     1            0           24s
deployment.apps/prometheus-operator   1/1     1            1           46m

NAME                                             DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/grafana-5ccfb68647               1         1         0       23s
replicaset.apps/prometheus-operator-85d84bb848   1         1         1       46m

NAME                                          VERSION   REPLICAS   AGE
prometheus.monitoring.coreos.com/prometheus             3          44m

Question is - how do i get the hostname for the Prometheus install (since i need this to add as source in Grafana)?问题是 - 我如何获取 Prometheus 安装的主机名(因为我需要将其添加为 Grafana 中的源)? Somehow, i don't see the prometheus pod, should that not be created?不知何故,我没有看到 prometheus pod,不应该创建它吗?

any ideas how to debug/fix this?任何想法如何调试/修复这个? tia !蒂亚!

Assuming that the Prometheus pods did start, their collective hostnames would be found via service discovery like prometheus.monitoring.svc.cluster.local假设 Prometheus pod 确实启动了,它们的集体主机名将通过服务发现找到,例如prometheus.monitoring.svc.cluster.local

https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/service-discovery https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/concepts/service-discovery

You might also be interesting in exposing Prometheus itself你可能对暴露普罗米修斯本身也很感兴趣

this issue is resolved, file prometheus-additional.yaml is already a secret yaml file, and the secret should be created using command此问题已解决,文件 prometheus-additional.yaml 已经是秘密 yaml 文件,应使用命令创建秘密

kubectl create -f prometheus-additional.yaml

instead of :

kubectl create secret generic additional-scrape-configs --from-file=prometheus-additional.yaml

ref - https://issueexplorer.com/issue/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator/5873参考 - https://issueexplorer.com/issue/strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator/5873

seems the format of the file is changed in the recent strimzi releases似乎文件的格式在最近的 strimzi 版本中发生了变化

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