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Java stacktrace 的多行解析仅提取几行 | Elasticsearch

[英]Multiline parsing of Java stacktrace picks up few lines only | Elasticsearch

Current filebeat.yml parameters are like below:当前 filebeat.yml 参数如下:

- type: log
    - /tmp/test.log
  pipeline: filebeat-test-java-logs
  enabled: true
  multiline.pattern: ^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
  multiline.negate: true
  multiline.match: after
  multiline.timeout: 300s

We have a new setup to parse the java stacktrace but the msg part is showing up only fewer lines of the error (say upto 2-4 lines) and not displaying the whole error from the log file.我们有一个新的设置来解析 java 堆栈跟踪,但是 msg 部分只显示了更少的错误行(比如最多 2-4 行),并且没有显示日志文件中的整个错误。

While we got a relative output when tried to write it to a file in the server itself but while redirecting the same to logstash yielded no outputs at the msg part.虽然我们在尝试将其写入服务器本身的文件时得到了一个相对的 output,但是在将其重定向到 logstash 时,在 msg 部分没有产生任何输出。

Any help would be appreciated.任何帮助,将不胜感激。

For the filed type concern, we have now changed the field type to "text" and have updated the Index and search analyzer to "simple" which is helping us to fetch the results completely.对于字段类型问题,我们现在将字段类型更改为“文本”,并将索引和搜索分析器更新为“简单”,这有助于我们完全获取结果。

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